Interface ILocaleInfo

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface ILocaleInfo

ILocaleInfo is an interface that describes what types of locale tools are availble

  • Method Details

    • getLocale

      Locale getLocale()
      the standard locale associated with the current user's session
    • setLocale

      void setLocale(String locale)
      Sets current user locale
      locale - string value for the new locale to be set
    • setLocale

      void setLocale(Locale locale)
      Sets the current user locale
      locale - new locale
      See Also:
    • getiContext

      com.softwareag.g11n.util.iContext getiContext()
      the iContext associated with the current user's session
    • evaluateLocale

      void evaluateLocale()
      Locale negotiation algorithm: Call to getLocale() will return the result 1. Test request locale attribute. If defined use its value, if not continue. 2. Test request locale parameter. If defined use its value, if not continue. 3. Test locale rules. If a rule is triggered use the target locale, if not continue. 4. Test non-anonymous user locale preference that comes from User Profile Attributes PAP. If defied use it, if not continue. 5. Test user browser language preferences. Defined by the browser and delivered using Accept-Language request header. First preferred language which is deployed with a language pack is used. If no deployed language packs handle preferred languages continue. 6. Use system default locale. Currently defined by the operating system running the portal server.
      See Also: