Interface ISearchResultInfo

All Known Subinterfaces:
ITableOrTreeSearchResultInfo, ITreeSearchResultInfo

public interface ISearchResultInfo
Wrapper around the metadata about search results
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns whether the rows in the search results should be selectable.
    Return the wm_table compatible expression that specifies the property to use for category headings
    Returns metadata about each of the function bar actions
    Returns metadata about each of the columns in the search results that should be displayed in the search result portlet
    Return the wm_table compatible expression that will return the identity value for each row in the search results.
  • Method Details

    • getFunctionBarActions

      IResultActionInfo[] getFunctionBarActions()
      Returns metadata about each of the function bar actions
      array of function bar actions or null of there are no functions
    • areRowsSelectable

      boolean areRowsSelectable()
      Returns whether the rows in the search results should be selectable. When selectable, a checkbox is rendered for each row.
      true if the rows should be selectable, false otherwise
    • getRowID

      String getRowID()
      Return the wm_table compatible expression that will return the identity value for each row in the search results. NOTE: this is only needed if the rows are selectable.
      identity expression
    • getCategoryExpression

      String getCategoryExpression()
      Return the wm_table compatible expression that specifies the property to use for category headings
      category expression
    • getResultColumnInfos

      IResultColumnInfo[] getResultColumnInfos()
      Returns metadata about each of the columns in the search results that should be displayed in the search result portlet
      array of column descriptors