Interface IResultActionInfo

All Known Subinterfaces:
IInlineResultActionInfo, IPopupResultActionInfo, IResultActionImageInfo

public interface IResultActionInfo
Wrapper around the metadata about a button in the function bar
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Return the display name of the function button
    Get the PCA Layout that should be rendered when the function button is selected.
    Get the PCA Method that should be rendered when the function button is selected.
    Return true if the button should be enabled, false otherwise
    Return true if the action requires a row to be selected in the search result table
  • Method Details

    • getDisplayName

      String getDisplayName()
      Return the display name of the function button
      the display name of the function button
    • getTargetPCALayout

      String getTargetPCALayout()
      Get the PCA Layout that should be rendered when the function button is selected.
      the PCA Layout name in the search context portlet that should be rendered, or null if the default layout should be rendered
    • getTargetPCAMethod

      String getTargetPCAMethod()
      Get the PCA Method that should be rendered when the function button is selected.
      the PCA Method name in the search context portlet that should be executed, or null if no PCA Method should be executed
    • isRowSelectionRequired

      boolean isRowSelectionRequired()
      Return true if the action requires a row to be selected in the search result table
      true if a selected row(s) are required, false otherwise
    • isButtonEnabled

      boolean isButtonEnabled()
      Return true if the button should be enabled, false otherwise
      true if the button should be enabled