Interface IWSClientSessionManager

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IWSClientSessionManager
Interface defining the session management for the WsClient Library This allows you to reuse previously (authenticated) http sessions from prior web service invocations
  • Method Details

    • getSessionPool

      IWSClientSessionPool getSessionPool(IWSClientProxy clientProxy)
    • getSessionPool

      IWSClientSessionPool getSessionPool(IWSClientProxy clientProxy, String userAgent)
      clientProxy - the IWSClientProxy proxy of the web service interface to invoke
      userAgent - Axis2 or Glue
    • getSession

      IWSClientSession getSession(IWSClientProxy clientProxy)
      Given the current proxy, get or create a new session. This is an alternate mechanism that directly gets the session without retrieving an intermediate session pool object
      clientProxy - the IWSClientProxy proxy of the web service interface to invoke
      the IWSClientSession object associated with this proxy
    • updateSessionPoolCredentials

      void updateSessionPoolCredentials(IWSClientProxy clientProxy, AuthCredentials oldAuthCred, AuthCredentials newAuthCred)
      Update a session pool in the Session Manager. This method may be necessary when the ClientProxy associated with the session has updated it's AuthCredentials, as this info is used to uniquely identify the proxy when doing a session pool lookup
      clientProxy - the IWSClientProxy proxy of the web service interface to invoke
      oldAuthCred - the original AuthCredentials to update
      newAuthCred - the new AuthCredentials for use by the session
    • registerListener

      void registerListener(IWSSessionListener sessionListener)
      Register a new IWSSessionListener
      sessionListener -
    • unregisterListener

      void unregisterListener(IWSSessionListener sessionListener)
      Unregister a IWSSessionListener
      sessionListener -
    • invalidateSessionsForHost

      void invalidateSessionsForHost(String hostURL)
      Invalidate any sessions for a specific host URL. NOTE: the default implementation calls this method when a transport level exception occurs with a web service invocation. This is to prevent further invocation failures when an existing session is later used on a sticky-session load balancer.
      hostURL -
    • clearAllSessions

      void clearAllSessions()
      Allows you to clear out all sessions
    • fireOnProxyContextCreated

      void fireOnProxyContextCreated(electric.glue.context.ProxyContext context)
    • fireOnSessionCreated

      void fireOnSessionCreated(IWSClientSession session)