Class SamlFailedAuthCallback

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SamlFailedAuthCallback extends Object implements IFailedAuthCallback
Authentication failure callback listener for SAML
  • Constructor Details

    • SamlFailedAuthCallback

      public SamlFailedAuthCallback()
  • Method Details

    • onFailedAuth

      public AuthCredentials onFailedAuth(AuthCredentials failedAuthCred, String serviceEndpoint, Throwable throwable)
      Implementation of IFailedAuthCallback that handles a failed auth exception. Determine if the web service failed due to an expired artifact and SAML is enabled, if so, supply a new valid SAML artifact
      Specified by:
      onFailedAuth in interface IFailedAuthCallback
      failedAuthCred - the AuthCredentials used in the previous failed authentication attempt
      serviceEndpoint - the service endpoint as String
      throwable - the exception thrown by the WsClient connection attempt
      an alternate AuthCredentials to retry auth with, or null to discontinue the authentication process
    • allowRetries

      public boolean allowRetries()
      Description copied from interface: IFailedAuthCallback
      When this callback provides new AuthCredentials to retry with, allow additional retries (and callbacks for alternate credentials if they fail again).
      Specified by:
      allowRetries in interface IFailedAuthCallback
      true to continue looping for credentials