Interface IArtifactFactory

public interface IArtifactFactory
This encapsulates the access logic required to obtain a new SAML Artifact from the SAML security provider. The artifact represents a timebound, once-only-verifiable user token provided by the SAML security provider. The logic should make sure to obtain a new value each time the getArtifact() method is invoked. For example, webMethods Portal provides a PortalArtifactFactory implementation of this interface to manage artifacts within Portal
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getArtifact

      String getArtifact()
      Retrieve an artifact String from the ArtifactFactory
      String the SAML artifact.
    • getAssertion

      String getAssertion()
      Generate an assertion using SIN service.
      String the SAML artifact.
    • getAssertion

      String getAssertion(int samlVersion)
    • getAssertion

      String getAssertion(String user)
    • getAssertion

      String getAssertion(String user, int samlVersion)
    • getAssertion

      String getAssertion(String user, int samlVersion, boolean encode)
    • getAssertion

      String getAssertion(String user, String[] groups, Map<String,String> roles)
    • getAssertion

      String getAssertion(String user, String[] groups, Map<String,String> roles, Map<String,String> attributes)
    • validateAssertion

      String validateAssertion(String assertion)
      Validate a SAML assertion and returns the associated user id.
      assertion - a SAML1.1/SAML2 assertion.
      user id
    • validateSAMLResponse

      Map<String,String> validateSAMLResponse(HttpServletRequest request, String samlRespParamName)
      Validate a SAML response and returns assertion attributes and its values in the authentication data object.
      Map for each value under a named Attribute in an Assertion from the SAML Response
    • getAssociatedUser

      String getAssociatedUser()
      Obtain the user name associated with the SAML artifact (usually the current user)
      String the associated user name as String