Interface IWSClientProxy

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public interface IWSClientProxy extends InvocationHandler
This is the web service proxy stub which is invoked by clients and returned by the IWSProxyFactory.getProxy(java.lang.Class<?>, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
  • Method Details

    • getProxyFactory

      IWSProxyFactory getProxyFactory()
      The factory that instantiated this proxy
      the IWSProxyFactory that created this proxy instance
    • getEndPointURL

      String getEndPointURL()
      Get the endpoint that this web service proxy will invoke
      the endpoint URL as string
    • getHostURL

      String getHostURL()
      Get the host partion of the getEndPointURL() }
      the host name as string
    • getWsdlURL

      String getWsdlURL()
      The WSDL url for this proxy
      the WSDL URL as a string
    • getUseCache

      boolean getUseCache()
      Whether invocations will check with the CacheManager
      true if the cache manager is configured to use caching
    • setUseCache

      void setUseCache(boolean useCache)
      Set option for the cache manager to cache web service results
      useCache - true to enable caching, false to disable caching
    • getReuseSession

      boolean getReuseSession()
      Whether to attempt to recycle an existing IWSClientSession when invoking a web service
      boolean true if session reuse is enabled, false if session reuse is disabled
    • setReuseSession

      void setReuseSession(boolean reuseSession)
      Specify whether to attempt to recycle an existing IWSClientSession when invoking a web service
      reuseSession - true to enable session reuse, false to create a new session on each service invocation
    • getAuthCredentials

      AuthCredentials getAuthCredentials()
      Get the AuthCredentials used by this proxy to authenticate web service request. Specifying null credentials will use global credentials set on the {@link @WSClient} instance.
      the AuthCredentials for this proxy
    • getWebServiceClass

      Class<?> getWebServiceClass()
      Get the portType class that this IWSClientProxy instance is proxying
      the portType as Class
    • getClientSocketReadTimeout

      int getClientSocketReadTimeout()
      Get the socket timeout. This is the number of milliseconds the web service request will wait before it gives up waiting for a response from the web service provider.
      the socket timeout value in milliseconds
    • addFailedAuthCallback

      void addFailedAuthCallback(IFailedAuthCallback callbackObj)
      Register a IFailedAuthCallback listener to be invoked when an authentication failure occurs when invoking a web service
      callbackObj - - the IFailedAuthCallback object instance
    • removeFailedAuthCallback

      void removeFailedAuthCallback(IFailedAuthCallback callbackObj)
      Remove a specific IFailedAuthCallback object from the list of listeners
      callbackObj - - the IFailedAuthCallback object instance to remove
    • getFailedAuthListeners

      List<IFailedAuthCallback> getFailedAuthListeners()
      Get the list of all registered IFailedAuthCallback listeners
      a List of IFailedAuthCallback instances
    • flushCache

      void flushCache()
      Flush the cache web service results cache associated with this proxy