Class WSClientException

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class WSClientException extends RuntimeException
General exception for the WSClient library
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • serialVersionUID

      protected static final long serialVersionUID
      See Also:

      public static final String RES_BNDL_NAME
      Bundle class name for lookup of localizable exception strings
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • WSClientException

      public WSClientException()
    • WSClientException

      public WSClientException(Throwable cause)
      Create a new WSClientException wrapping some other Exception
      cause - the other Exception to wrap with a WSClientException
    • WSClientException

      public WSClientException(ResourceBundle resourceBundle, String key)
      Create a new WSClientException with a message populated by a key lookup in a resource bundle
      resourceBundle - The resource bundle containing a lookup value for the resource key
      key - the key to lookup in the resource bundle
    • WSClientException

      public WSClientException(ResourceBundle resourceBundle, String key, Throwable throwable)
      Create a new WSClientException wrapping another Exception, containing a message populated by a key lookup in a resource bundle
      resourceBundle - The resource bundle containing a lookup value for the resource key
      key - the key to lookup in the resource bundle
      throwable - the Exception to wrap with a WSClientException
    • WSClientException

      public WSClientException(ResourceBundle resourceBundle, String key, Object[] args)
      Create a new WSClientException wrapping another Exception, containing a message populated by a key lookup in a resource bundle
      resourceBundle - The resource bundle containing a lookup value for the resource key
      key - the key to lookup in the resource bundle
      args - the string substitution arguments for the exception message
    • WSClientException

      public WSClientException(ResourceBundle resourceBundle, String key, Object[] args, Throwable throwable)
      Create a new WSClientException wrapping another Exception, containing a message populated by a key lookup in a resource bundle
      resourceBundle - The resource bundle containing a lookup value for the resource key
      key - the key to lookup in the resource bundle
      args - the string substitution arguments for the exception message
      throwable - the other Exception to wrap with a WSClientException
  • Method Details

    • getDefaultResourceBundle

      public static ResourceBundle getDefaultResourceBundle()
      Get the resource bundle used to lookup localized exception strings
      the ResourceBundle instance
    • getMessage

      public String getMessage()
      getMessage in class Throwable