Class LogUtils


public class LogUtils extends Object
Utility functions for adding log messages to the Portal/MWS logs as category "JSF"or to other external host logging mechanisms
  • Field Details


      public static final int LEVEL_OFF

      public static final int LEVEL_TRACE
      See Also:

      public static final int LEVEL_DEBUG

      public static final int LEVEL_INFO

      public static final int LEVEL_WARN

      public static final int LEVEL_ERROR

      public static final int LEVEL_FATAL
  • Constructor Details

    • LogUtils

      public LogUtils()
  • Method Details

    • getFacesContext

      public static FacesContext getFacesContext()
      Retrieve the current FacesContext from this thread
      Current FacesContext instance
    • logExternal

      public static void logExternal(String message, Throwable throwable)
      Log an exception to the the external host log handler
      message - Text message to log
      throwable - Throwable exception to log. The root cause exception and stacktrace will be included in the log message text.
    • logExternal

      public static void logExternal(String message)
      Log a string to the external host log handler
      message - Text message to log
    • getRootCause

      public static Throwable getRootCause(Throwable ex)
      Extract the root cause of an exception chain
      throwable - The base exception instance
    • isLogLevelEnabled

      public static boolean isLogLevelEnabled(int logLevel)
      Confirm if the logging level is enabled.
      logLevel - Log level constant defined in LogUtils (e.g. LEVEL_DEBUG, LEVEL_WARN, etc..)
      boolean - true if the requested level is enabled, false otherwise.
    • log

      public static void log(int logLevel, String message)
      Log a message as text, using the specified log level
      logLevel - Log level constant defined in LogUtils (e.g. LEVEL_DEBUG, LEVEL_WARN, etc..)
      message - The text message to record in the log
    • log

      public static void log(int logLevel, String message, Throwable t)
      Log an exception using the specified log level
      logLevel - Log level constant defined in LogUtils (e.g. LEVEL_DEBUG, LEVEL_WARN, etc..)
      message - The text message to record in the log
      throwable - Throwable exception to log. The root cause exception and stacktrace will be included in the log message text.
    • log

      public static void log(Throwable throwable)
      Log an exception using the LEVEL_ERROR log level
      throwable - Throwable exception to log. The root cause exception and stacktrace will be included in the log message text.
    • log

      public static void log(String message, Throwable throwable)
      Log an exception using the LEVEL_ERROR log level
      message - The text message to record in the log
      throwable - Throwable exception to log. The root cause exception and stacktrace will be included in the log message text.
    • log

      public static void log(String message)
      Log a message as text, using the LEVEL_INFO log level
      message - The text message to record in the log
    • log

      public static void log(int logLevel, String key, Object[] args)
      Log a localized message from the default resource bundle using the specified log level
      logLevel - Log level constant defined in LogUtils (e.g. LEVEL_DEBUG, LEVEL_WARN, etc..)
      key - Resource bundle lookup key
      args - String substitution arguments for the return resource bundle string
    • log

      public static void log(int logLevel, FacesContext ctx, Class<?> bundleClass, String key)
      Log a localized message from the specified resource bundle using the specified log level
      logLevel - Log level constant defined in LogUtils (e.g. LEVEL_DEBUG, LEVEL_WARN, etc..)
      ctx - FacesContext instance to use to determine message locale
      bundleClass - Class of the resource bundle
      key - Resource bundle lookup key
    • log

      public static void log(FacesContext ctx, Class<?> bundleClass, String key, Object[] args)
      Log a localized message from the specified resource bundle using the LEVEL_INFO log level
      ctx - FacesContext instance to use to determine message locale
      bundleClass - Class of the resource bundle
      key - Resource bundle lookup key
      args - String substitution arguments for the return resource bundle string
    • log

      public static void log(FacesContext ctx, String bundleName, String key, Object[] args, boolean prependKey)
      Log a localized message from the specified resource bundle using the LEVEL_INFO log level
      ctx - FacesContext instance to use to determine message locale
      bundleName - Resource bundle class name as String
      key - Resource bundle lookup key
      args - String substitution arguments for the return resource bundle string
      prependKey - True to prepend the key to formatted message (for an error message).
    • log

      public static void log(FacesContext ctx, String bundleName, String key, Object[] args, boolean prependKey, Throwable t)
      Log a localized message from the specified resource bundle using the LEVEL_INFO log level
      ctx - FacesContext instance to use to determine message locale
      bundleName - Resource bundle class name as String
      key - Resource bundle lookup key
      args - String substitution arguments for the return resource bundle string
      prependKey - True to prepend the key to formatted message (for an error message).
      throwable - Throwable exception to log. The root cause exception and stacktrace will be included in the log message text.
    • log

      public static void log(FacesContext ctx, Class<?> bundleClass, String key, Object[] args, boolean prependKey, Throwable t)
      Log a localized message from the specified resource bundle using the LEVEL_INFO log level
      ctx - FacesContext instance to use to determine message locale
      bundleClass - Resource bundle Class
      key - Resource bundle lookup key
      args - String substitution arguments for the return resource bundle string
      prependKey - True to prepend the key to formatted message (for an error message).
      throwable - Throwable exception to log. The root cause exception and stacktrace will be included in the log message text.
    • getStackTrace

      public static String getStackTrace(Throwable t)
      Convert the stack trace associated with the specified exception to String
      throwable - Throwable exception to extract stack info from
      The stack trace as a string (including carriage returns)
    • dumpComponentTreeToXMLFile

      public static void dumpComponentTreeToXMLFile(UIComponent rootComponent, String outFileName)
      Output the provided UI component as XML content to a file .
      rootComponent - The UI component to write out to the file.
      outFileName - The name of the file to use as the destination of this writer. If the file exists then it will be truncated to zero size; otherwise, a new file will be created. The output will be written to the file and is buffered.
    • dumpComponent

      protected static void dumpComponent(UIComponent rootComponent, PrintWriter writer, String indent)
      Output the provided UI component as XML content to a print writer.
      rootComponent - The UI component to write out to the file.
      writer - The print writer to output the UI component.
      indent - Indent in spaces for the entire content. IE. " "