Class BoundChildrenTreeContentProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:
IPageFlowScopeAdapter, IAddressableTableContentProvider, IContentProvider, IFilterableTableContentProvider, IRefreshable, IRefreshableContentProvider, IReorderableTableContentProvider, ISelectableTableContentProvider, ISortableTableContentProvider, ITableContentProvider, IUpdateableContentProvider, IUpdateableTableContentProvider, ISelectableTreeContentProvider, ITreeContentProvider, Serializable

public class BoundChildrenTreeContentProvider extends NodeTreeContentProvider

Tree provider initialized with a list of roots, where the tree structure is defined by a set of children bindings. For each node, these bindings are evaluated to determine the current node's list of children.

The nodes of this content provider may be arbitrary java objects (they will be wrapped by BoundChildrenNodes). If the object has tree children, one of the configured children binding expressions should resolve to the List or Object[] (array) of children.

This provider must be initialized with a list (or array) of root nodes, a row variable (used in binding expressions to indicate the current node), a row id binding (a value-binding which evaluates to the unique id of the current node), and a children binding (a value-binding which evaluates to the list or array of children for the current node).

See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • BoundChildrenTreeContentProvider

      public BoundChildrenTreeContentProvider()
      New, un-initialized tree provider. This provider must be initialized with a list (or array) of root nodes, a row variable (used in binding expressions to indicate the current node), a row id binding (a value-binding which evaluates to the unique id of the current node), and a children binding (a value-binding which evaluates to the list or array of children for the current node).
    • BoundChildrenTreeContentProvider

      public BoundChildrenTreeContentProvider(Object root, String rowVariable, String rowIdBinding, String childrenBinding)
      New tree provider initialized with a single root node.
    • BoundChildrenTreeContentProvider

      public BoundChildrenTreeContentProvider(List<?> roots, String rowVariable, String rowIdBinding, String childrenBinding)
      New tree provider initialized with a list of root nodes.
    • BoundChildrenTreeContentProvider

      public BoundChildrenTreeContentProvider(Object[] roots, String rowVariable, String rowIdBinding, String childrenBinding)
      New tree provider initialized with an array of root nodes.
  • Method Details