Class BoundChildrenNode

All Implemented Interfaces:
INode, Serializable

public class BoundChildrenNode extends DefaultNode

INode implementation that wraps an arbitrary java object, creating a tree structure defined by a set of arbitrary children bindings. If the object has children, one of the configured children binding expressions should resolve to the List or Object[] (array) of the object's children.

This node must be initialized with the java object to wrap, a row variable (used in binding expressions to indicate the current node), a row id binding (a value-binding which evaluates to the unique id of the current node), and a children binding (a value-binding which evaluates to the list or array of children for the current node). Unless this node is a root node, it must also be initialized with its direct parent INode.

See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • BoundChildrenNode

      public BoundChildrenNode()
      New uninitialized node. This node must be initialized with the java object to wrap, a row variable (used in binding expressions to indicate the current node), a row id binding (a value-binding which evaluates to the unique id of the current node), and a children binding (a value-binding which evaluates to the list or array of children for the current node). Unless this node is a root node, it must also be initialized with its direct parent INode.
    • BoundChildrenNode

      public BoundChildrenNode(Object data)
      New node, partially initialized with a java object to wrap. This node must be initialized additionally with a row variable (used in binding expressions to indicate the current node), a row id binding (a value-binding which evaluates to the unique id of the current node), and a children binding (a value-binding which evaluates to the list or array of children for the current node). Unless this node is a root node, it must also be initialized with its direct parent INode.
    • BoundChildrenNode

      public BoundChildrenNode(Object data, String dataVariable, String idBinding, String childrenBinding)
      New node, initialized with a java object to wrap, a row variable (used in binding expressions to indicate the current node), a row id binding (a value-binding which evaluates to the unique id of the current node), and a children binding (a value-binding which evaluates to the list or array of children for the current node). Unless this node is a root node, it must also be initialized with its direct parent INode.
    • BoundChildrenNode

      @Deprecated public BoundChildrenNode(Object data, String dataVariable, ValueBinding idBinding, List<ValueBinding> childrenBinding)
      use ValueExpression parameters instead
      New node, initialized with a java object to wrap, a row variable (used in binding expressions to indicate the current node), a row id binding (a value-binding which evaluates to the unique id of the current node), and a children binding (a value-binding which evaluates to the list or array of children for the current node). Unless this node is a root node, it must also be initialized with its direct parent INode.
    • BoundChildrenNode

      public BoundChildrenNode(Object data, String dataVariable, ValueExpression idBinding, List<ValueExpression> childrenBinding)
      New node, initialized with a java object to wrap, a row variable (used in binding expressions to indicate the current node), a row id binding (a value-binding which evaluates to the unique id of the current node), and a children binding (a value-binding which evaluates to the list or array of children for the current node). Unless this node is a root node, it must also be initialized with its direct parent INode.
    • BoundChildrenNode

      @Deprecated public BoundChildrenNode(Object data, String dataVariable, ValueBinding idBinding, List<ValueBinding> childrenBinding, INode parent)
      use ValueExpression parameters instead
      New node, initialized with a java object to wrap, a row variable (used in binding expressions to indicate the current node), a row id binding (a value-binding which evaluates to the unique id of the current node), a children binding (a value-binding which evaluates to the list or array of children for the current node), and its direct parent INode.
    • BoundChildrenNode

      public BoundChildrenNode(Object data, String dataVariable, ValueExpression idBinding, List<ValueExpression> childrenBinding, INode parent)
      New node, initialized with a java object to wrap, a row variable (used in binding expressions to indicate the current node), a row id binding (a value-binding which evaluates to the unique id of the current node), a children binding (a value-binding which evaluates to the list or array of children for the current node), and its direct parent INode.
  • Method Details