Class AttributeModel

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AttributeModel extends Object implements Serializable
A model used to access an attribute's value and title, based on the principal URI, provider thing Id, and attribute name.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • fProviderThingID

      protected IThingID fProviderThingID
    • fPrincipalURI

      protected IURI fPrincipalURI
    • fAttributeName

      protected String fAttributeName
    • fDisplayName

      protected String fDisplayName
    • fPortalContext

      protected transient IContext fPortalContext
    • fPapBizPolicy

      protected transient IPrincipalAttributeBizPolicy fPapBizPolicy
  • Constructor Details

    • AttributeModel

      public AttributeModel()
      Default constructor. Create an attribute model from the current user's Directory URI. Use the Directory URI as principal URI.
    • AttributeModel

      public AttributeModel(IThingID providerThingID, IURI principalURI, String attributeName)
      Create an attribute model from a provider thing Id, principal URI, and the attribute's name.
      providerThingID - The provider thing Id.
      principalURI - The principal URI.
      attributeName - The name of the attribute to reference by the biz policy.
  • Method Details

    • initialize

      protected void initialize(IThingID providerThingID, IURI principalURI, String attributeName)
      Copies the supplied values into the classes members.
      providerThingID - The provider thing Id.
      principalURI - The principal URI
      attributeName - The name of the attribute to reference by the biz policy.
    • getPrincipalURI

      public IURI getPrincipalURI()
      Get the principal URI.
      The principal URI.
    • setPrincipalURI

      public void setPrincipalURI(IURI principalURI)
      Set the principal URI. Clears the cache when the URI changes.
      principalURI - The principal URI.
    • getProviderThingID

      public IThingID getProviderThingID()
      Get the provider thing Id.
      The provider thing Id.
    • setProviderThingID

      public void setProviderThingID(IThingID providerThingID)
      Set the provider thing Id. Clears the cache when the provider changes.
      providerThingID - The provider thing Id.
    • getAttributeName

      public String getAttributeName()
      Get the name of the attribute to reference by the biz policy.
      The attribute reference name. IE. "lastName"
    • setAttributeName

      public void setAttributeName(String attrName)
      Set the name of the attribute to reference by the biz policy. Clears the cache when the name changes.
      attrName - The attribute reference name. IE. "lastName"
    • getDisplayName

      public String getDisplayName()
      Get the display name for this attribute. If attribute name or principalURI are null then null is returned.
      The title for this attribute based on the current local.
    • getValue

      public Object getValue()
      Get the attribute from the biz policy using this principal URI, thing Id, and attribute name.
      The attribute value.
    • getPortalContext

      protected IContext getPortalContext()
      Acquire a portal context and cache it. Cache the results.
      The portal context.
    • getPrincipalAttributeBizPolicy

      protected IPrincipalAttributeBizPolicy getPrincipalAttributeBizPolicy() throws BizException
      Get the biz policy for handling principal attributes. Cache the results.
      The biz policy for principal attributes.