Interface ICalendarEventProvider

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public interface ICalendarEventProvider
A provider than gathers a set of calendar events and exposes them as a list of ICalendarEvent object Alternately, if a start and end date are supplied, the event list is limited to those entries that fall within the date range.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Get a list of calendar events returned by this provider.
    setEndDate(Date endDate)
    Set the end date for the date range for this provider Setting the date to null, clears the end date.
    setStartDate(Date startDate)
    Set the start date of the date range for this provider.
  • Method Details

    • getEventList

      List<ICalendarEvent> getEventList()
      Get a list of calendar events returned by this provider. If the start date and end date are not defined then the entire list is returned. Otherwise a list of calendar events that occur after the start date and before the end date are returned.
      A list of calendar events for this provider.
    • setStartDate

      void setStartDate(Date startDate)
      Set the start date of the date range for this provider. Setting the date to null, clears the start date.
      startDate - Include events that occur after this date.
    • setEndDate

      void setEndDate(Date endDate)
      Set the end date for the date range for this provider Setting the date to null, clears the end date.
      endDate - Include events that occur before this date.