Interface ICalendarEvent

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public interface ICalendarEvent extends Comparable<ICalendarEvent>
Calendar event interface to access calendar event information.
  • Method Details

    • getStartDate

      Date getStartDate()
      Get the date this event starts on.
      The Date this event will start.
    • getEndDate

      Date getEndDate()
      Get the date this event ends on.
      The Date this event will end.
    • isAllDay

      boolean isAllDay()
      Is this event to start and end on the same date as a Day unit.
      True then this event starts and ends the same date as a Day unit. Otherwise false.
    • getEventBody

      String getEventBody()
      Set the text of the event body. The description and information for this event.
      The event body of text.
    • getEventHeader

      String getEventHeader()
      Get event header for this event. May be used as a title or description of this event.
      The event header text.
    • getEventType

      String getEventType()
      Get event type that for this event. A user defined value for defining the type of event.
      A user defined type for this event.