Class BusinessCalendarModel

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class BusinessCalendarModel extends Object implements IContentProvider
The content provider for a business calendar. Used to calculate resulting date and time based on setting applied to the model.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • BusinessCalendarModel

      public BusinessCalendarModel()
  • Method Details

    • getPropertyKeys

      public Object[] getPropertyKeys()
      Get property keys method required by IContentProvider.
      Specified by:
      getPropertyKeys in interface IContentProvider
      The default value of null.
    • getType

      public Class<?> getType(Object propertyName) throws PropertyNotFoundException
      Get type method required by IContentProvider.
      Specified by:
      getType in interface IContentProvider
      propertyName -
      The default value of null.
      PropertyNotFoundException - if property is not supported
    • getValue

      public Object getValue(Object propertyName) throws ELException, PropertyNotFoundException
      Get value method required by IContentProvider.
      Specified by:
      getValue in interface IContentProvider
      propertyName -
      The default value of null.
      PropertyNotFoundException - if property is not supported
    • hasProperty

      public boolean hasProperty(Object propertyName)
      Has property method required by IContentProvider.
      Specified by:
      hasProperty in interface IContentProvider
      propertyName -
      The default value of false.
    • getResultDateTime

      public Date getResultDateTime() throws ContentProviderException
      Calculate the resulting date time. This is base on the base date time, calendar to us, and base time adjustment. The resulting date time is cached and used on the next call to this method. The cache can be reset by changing the value of the base date time, calendar to us, or base time adjustment.
      The cached resulting date time.
    • getCorporateCalendar

      public Object getCorporateCalendar()
      Get the object stored as the corporate calendar.
      Object The calendar object ID or alias.
      See Also:
    • setCorporateCalendar

      public void setCorporateCalendar(Object corpCalendar)
      Set the calendar object ID or alias for the corporate calendar. Clears the cached resulting date time.
      corpCalendar - The calendar object ID or alias.
      See Also:
    • getUserCalendar

      public Object getUserCalendar()
      Get the object stored as the user calendar.
      A IThingID, URI, or String value that resolves a URI.
      See Also:
    • setUserCalendar

      public void setUserCalendar(Object userCalendar)
      Set the value for the user calendar. The value need to be a IThingID, URI, or String value that will allow a URI to be looked up. Clears the cached resulting date time.
      userCalendar - A IThingID, URI, or String value that resolves a URI.
      See Also:
    • isUseUserPersonalCalendar

      public boolean isUseUserPersonalCalendar()
      Is the user's personal calendar being used for the result date time calculation verses the default corporate calendar.
      True if the user calendar is set. False for default calendar.
    • setUseUserPersonalCalendar

      public void setUseUserPersonalCalendar(boolean useUserPersonalCalendar)
      Use the user's personal calendar for calculation verses the default corporate calendar. Clears the cached resulting date time.
      useUserPersonalCalendar - True to use a personal calendar. False to use the default calendar.
    • getBaseDateTime

      public Object getBaseDateTime()
      Get the base date time to be evaluated by the selected calendar and used to calculate the result date time.
      The object to be use for the result date time calculations.
    • setBaseDateTime

      public void setBaseDateTime(Object baseDateTime)
      Set the base date time to be evaluated by the selected calendar and used to calculate the result date time. Clears the cached resulting date time.
      baseDateTime - The object to be use for the result date time calculations.
    • getDateTimeFormat

      public String getDateTimeFormat()
      Get the date time format used to convert a String value to a date.
      String The String used to format parse the base date time
      See Also:
    • setDateTimeFormat

      public void setDateTimeFormat(String dateFormat)
      Set the date time format used to convert a String value to a date. If the method setBaseDateTime is supplied a String value then a format must be supplied before the resulting date time can be calculated. Not suppling a format will cause the calculation to throw a ParseException. Clears the cached resulting date time.
      dateFormat - A String to convert a date to a Date object. Example: "MM/dd/yyyy"
      See Also:
    • getWorkdays

      public int getWorkdays()
      Get work days in a week.
      int The number of work days in a week.
    • setWorkdays

      public void setWorkdays(int workdays)
      Set the number of work days in a week. Clears the cached resulting date time.
      workdays - The work days in a week
    • getWorkhours

      public int getWorkhours()
      Get work hours for a day.
      The number of hours in a work day.
    • setWorkhours

      public void setWorkhours(int workhours)
      Set the number of work hours for a day. Clears the cached resulting date time.
      workhours - The number of work hours in a day.
    • getWorkminutes

      public int getWorkminutes()
      Get the number of minutes in a work day.
      The number of minutes in a work day.
    • setWorkminutes

      public void setWorkminutes(int workminutes)
      Set the number of minutes in a work day. Clears the cached resulting date time.
      workminutes - The number of minutes in a work day
    • getBaseAdjustment

      public String getBaseAdjustment()
      Get the adjustment setting used in the resulting day calculation.
      The value set by setBaseAdjustment.
    • setBaseAdjustment

      public void setBaseAdjustment(String baseAdjustment)
      Adjust the base date time used in the resulting day calculation. One of the following values must be used or the adjustment is skipped.
      Valid values are:
      ADJUSTMENT_CURRENT_DAY_START - adjust to the start of the base date.
      ADJUSTMENT_CURRENT_DAY_END - adjust to the end of the base date.
      ADJUSTMENT_NEXT_DAY_START - adjust to the start of the day after the base date.
      ADJUSTMENT_NEXT_DAY_END - adjust to the end of the day after the base date.
      Null or any other value - skip adjustment.

      Clears the cached resulting date time.
      baseAdjustment - The setting to adjust the base time.
    • getCalendarByID

      protected IWorkdayCalendar getCalendarByID(String calendarID) throws CalendarException
    • getCalendarEvaluatorBaseDate

      protected Date getCalendarEvaluatorBaseDate() throws Exception
      Get the base date time as a date. If the base date is not set by a Date object or getResultDateTime method has not been called this method will throw an exception.
      A Date object for base date time.