Class MwsShell


public class MwsShell extends Object
Managed Bean to help facelet based shells to render shell related stuff.
  • Constructor Details

    • MwsShell

      public MwsShell()
  • Method Details

    • getShell

      public IURI getShell()
      Returns the URI of the shell resolved for the current user
    • shellResource

      public IURI shellResource(String shellSection, String resourceName)
      Resolve the URI of resource (usually a portlet) by name from one of the shell sections of the current shell.
      shellSection - the name of the shell section (head, left, right, or foot)
      resourceName - the name of the resource to locate
      the URI of found resource or null if it could not be found.
    • getHtmlHeadExtraTags

      public String getHtmlHeadExtraTags()
      If there are extra shell tags defined in the properties of the shell, return those here