Class SimpleFileExportBean

All Implemented Interfaces:
IFileExportBean, IFileExportBeanEx

public class SimpleFileExportBean extends Object implements IFileExportBeanEx
This is a simple implementation of IFileExportBeanEx that is java bean compatible. If created as a bean then exportFileName, exportContentType and either binaryData or textData properties must be set. For textData, exportCharactersEncoding should be set as well.
  • Field Details

    • forceDownload

      protected boolean forceDownload
      boolean for force download, see setDownloadForced(boolean).
    • fileName

      protected String fileName
      Name of the file to be exported.
    • contentType

      protected String contentType
      The content type, see setExportContentType(String).
    • contentLength

      protected int contentLength
      The length of data.
    • isBinary

      protected boolean isBinary
      boolean that denotes that the content is binary.
    • binaryData

      protected byte[] binaryData
      The data to be exported as byte []
    • textData

      protected String textData
      The data to be exported as String
    • charactersEncoding

      protected String charactersEncoding
      Character encoding for export of file content.

      Default: UTF-8

  • Constructor Details

    • SimpleFileExportBean

      public SimpleFileExportBean()
      Bean empty constructor
    • SimpleFileExportBean

      public SimpleFileExportBean(String fileName, String contentType, int contentLength, boolean forceDownload, byte[] binaryData)
      fileName - name of the file to be exported
      contentType - the content type, see setExportContentType(String)
      contentLength - the length of data
      forceDownload - force download, see setDownloadForced(boolean)
      binaryData - the data to be exported as byte []
    • SimpleFileExportBean

      public SimpleFileExportBean(String fileName, String contentType, int contentLength, boolean forceDownload, String textData)
      fileName - name of the file to be exported
      contentType - the content type, see setExportContentType(String)
      contentLength - the length of data
      forceDownload - force download, see setDownloadForced(boolean)
      textData - the data to be exported as String
  • Method Details

    • isDownloadForced

      public boolean isDownloadForced()
      Description copied from interface: IFileExportBean
      Return true to send the response headers that will force the user to choose what to do with the file (Open vs. Save).
      Specified by:
      isDownloadForced in interface IFileExportBean
      true to force a download
    • setDownloadForced

      public void setDownloadForced(boolean forceDownload)
      Sets force download to send the response headers that will force the user to choose what to do with the file (Open vs. Save).
      forceDownload - The forceDownload to set.
    • getExportFileName

      public String getExportFileName()
      Description copied from interface: IFileExportBean
      Return the file name for the exported data
      Specified by:
      getExportFileName in interface IFileExportBean
      file name for the exported file
    • setExportFileName

      public void setExportFileName(String fileName)
      Return the file name for the exported data.
      fileName - name for the file
    • getExportContentType

      public String getExportContentType()
      Description copied from interface: IFileExportBean
      Gets the content type of the response being sent to the client. The content type may include the type of character encoding used, for example, text/html; charset=ISO-8859-4.
      Specified by:
      getExportContentType in interface IFileExportBean
      content type of the exported content
    • setExportContentType

      public void setExportContentType(String contentType)
      Sets the content type of the response being sent to the client.

      The content type may include the type of character encoding used, for example, text/html; charset=ISO-8859-4.

      contentType -
    • getExportContentLength

      public int getExportContentLength()
      Description copied from interface: IFileExportBean
      Return the length of the content that is to be exported.
      Specified by:
      getExportContentLength in interface IFileExportBean
      the length of the content or return IFileExportBean.UNKNOWN_CONTENT_LENGTH if it is not known
    • isExportBinary

      public boolean isExportBinary()
      Description copied from interface: IFileExportBean
      Return true if the export will be sending binary data to the response, false if the export will be sending text.
      Specified by:
      isExportBinary in interface IFileExportBean
      true for binary export, false for text
    • writeExportText

      public void writeExportText(PrintWriter writer)
      Description copied from interface: IFileExportBean
      Invoked to allow the bean to write the export text to the output writer.
      Specified by:
      writeExportText in interface IFileExportBean
      writer - the output writer
    • writeExportBytes

      public void writeExportBytes(OutputStream outStream) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: IFileExportBean
      Invoked to allow the bean to write binary data to the output stream.
      Specified by:
      writeExportBytes in interface IFileExportBean
      outStream - the output stream
      IOException - thrown if there is an I/O exception during the export
    • getExportCharacterEncoding

      public String getExportCharacterEncoding()
      Description copied from interface: IFileExportBeanEx
      Returns character encoding for this export file content (valid only when isExportBinary() == false)
      Specified by:
      getExportCharacterEncoding in interface IFileExportBeanEx
      java character encoding name
    • setExportCharacterEncoding

      public void setExportCharacterEncoding(String encoding)
      Sets character encoding for this export file content (valid only when isExportBinary() == false)
      encoding - Java character encoding name
    • getBinaryData

      public byte[] getBinaryData()
      Returns the binary data.
      binary data, or null if not set.
    • setBinaryData

      public void setBinaryData(byte[] binaryData)
      Sets the binary data for export. Also, forces the data to be exported as binary (character encoding will not apply).
      binaryData - binary data as byte []
    • getTextData

      public String getTextData()
      Returns the text data.
      text data, or null if not set.
    • setTextData

      public void setTextData(String textData)
      Sets the text data for export. Also, forces the data to be exported with character encoding (binary export will not apply).
      textData - text data as String