Package com.webmethods.caf.common
package com.webmethods.caf.common
Various Utility classes
ClassDescriptionProvides simple encrypt/decrypt functionality for the portal.This class is meant to provide the common resource bundle with a localized format based on the end users needs.The following utility class allows simple construction of an effective equals method.Parts taken from com.webmethods.portal.common.util.FileUtil Used to get a file input to a users specific needs as different formats and grab a file from different locations taking into account errors the user might have made.Uses BND tool to generate an OSGi manifests for the various MWS component archive types.Override the class so the plugins can be discovered by the right classloaderUsed for server side hook to resolve resources fromDefault impl that knows how to deal with local files onlyInner class that iterates through enumerations.Very basic logger class that simply prints a given message as an error to the output.Basics class to hold a mutable int with getters and setter methods.Utility class to deal with different objects Certain functions can be converting object type x to object type y Checking if an object can be converted State checking of an object etc.Protected inner class that load objects from an input stream.Provides simple encrypt/decrypt functionality for the portal.In the multitude of java GUID generators, I found none that guaranteed randomness.Base regex utility class containing constant variables for starting and ending regex searches.This class is a modified copy of org.apache.log4j.layout.Log4j1XmlLayoutUtility class for searching through a map based on an input that is either regular or regex.Various string utility functions and operationsUtility class with base methods for thread control and grouping.Utility class for loading XML documents