Interface IWSDLProvider

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface IWSDLProvider
Interface that can be implemented by a class that can provide WSDL either by return a complete WSDL document or a URL for it
  • Method Details

    • getWsdlDocument

      String getWsdlDocument()
      Return complete .wsdl document
      null if .wsdl document is not available
    • getWsdlUrl

      URL getWsdlUrl()
      Return wsdl url
      null if wsdl url is not available
    • getOperation

      String getOperation()
      Optionaly returns operation name to use
      operation name or null, if no specific operation is required
    • getUsername

      String getUsername()
      Return username to access the wsdl url and/or the service itself
      null if not available
    • getPassword

      String getPassword()
      Return password to access the wsdl url and/or the service itself
      null if not available
    • getAuthMethods

      Set<Integer> getAuthMethods()
      Returns a sorted map of the Auth methods names and their methods support by this provider.
      NONE if none are supported. com.webmethods.caf.wsclient.AuthCredentials Authentication method constants int NONE = 0; int METHOD_BASIC = 1; int METHOD_SAML = 2; int METHOD_HYBRID = 3; int METHOD_NONCE = 4;