Package com.webmethods.caf.common.bnd
package com.webmethods.caf.common.bnd
ClassesClassDescriptionBND analyzer that can find class names in the portlet.xml fileBND analyzer that can find class names in a jetty-web.xml fileBND analyzer that can find class names in a the MWS config/jetty-web-override.xml and config/defaultPortletAppWeb.xml filesBND analyzer that can find class names in any remainin MWS WEB-INF/config/*.xml files files that are declaring IComponents without using the DS annotations.BND analyzer that can find class names in a portlet.xml fileBND analyzer that can find class names in a web-fragment.xml fileBND analyzer that can find class names in a web.xml fileBND analyzer that can find class names in a xmlImport.xml file