Interface IUserTabSet

public interface IUserTabSet
  • Method Details

    • addTab

      boolean addTab(IUserTab userTab, boolean setAsCurrent)
      Adds a tab to the user's tab set.
      userTab - The IUserTab instance to add to the user's tab set.
      setAsCurrent - Specify true to make this tab the active tab.
      Returns true if the new tab was successfully created.
    • addTab

      IUserTab addTab(String name, String URL, boolean setAsCurrent)
      Adds a new tab to the tab set.
      name - The name of the new tab.
      URL - The navigation URL of the new tab.
      setAsCurrent - Specify true to make this tab the active tab.
      Returns a new IUserTab object representing the new tab.
    • removeTab

      boolean removeTab(IUserTab userTab)
      Removes an existing tab from the tab set.
      userTab - the IUserTab object to remove.
      Returns true if the tab exists and was successfully removed from the tab set.
    • save

      void save()
      Commits any unsaved changes in the tab.
    • listTabs

      List<IUserTab> listTabs()
      Lists all of the tabs in the tab set.
      Returns a list of IUserTab objects representing all tabs for the user.
    • getCurrentTab

      IUserTab getCurrentTab()
      Gets the tab the user is viewing from the tab set.
      Returns the IUserTab object representing the active tab.
    • setCurrentTab

      void setCurrentTab(IUserTab usertab)
      Sets the specified IUserTab as the active tab.
      usertab - The IUserTab to set as active.
    • setCurrentTab

      void setCurrentTab(String tabID)
      Sets the tab specified by ID as the active tab.
      tabID - The tabID of the tab to set as active.
    • getTabByID

      IUserTab getTabByID(String tabID)
      Gets the IUserTab object by ID from the tab set.
      tabID - The tab ID to find.
      Returns the IUserTab matching the specified tabID, may be null.
    • getTabByName

      IUserTab getTabByName(String tabName)
      Get an IUserTab object by name from the tab set.
      tabName - The tabe name to find.
      Returns the IUserTab matching the specified name, may be null.
    • getTabByURI

      IUserTab getTabByURI(String uri)
      Gets a tab that is viewing the specified URI.
      uri - The URI of the page the tab is viewing.
      Returns the IUserTab that presents the specified display URI, may be null.
    • addTabBefore

      void addTabBefore(IUserTab newTab, IUserTab targetTab, boolean setAsCurrent)
      Adds the new tab before the selected existing tab in the user's current tab set.
      newTab - The new tab to add to the tab set.
      targetTab - The existing tab that you would like to insert before in the tab set order.
      setAsCurrent - Specify true to set the new tab as the active tab
    • addTabAfter

      void addTabAfter(IUserTab newTab, IUserTab targetTab, boolean setAsCurrent)
      Adds the new tab after the selected existing tab in the displayed tab set.
      newTab - The new tab to add to the tab set.
      targetTab - The existing tab that you would like to insert after in the tab set order.
      setAsCurrent - Specify true to set the new tab as the active tab.
    • moveTabBefore

      void moveTabBefore(IUserTab moveTab, IUserTab targetTab)
      Move an existing tab prior to the specified existing tab in tab set order.
      moveTab - The existing tab to move.
      targetTab - The existing tab you would like to insert before in tab set order.
    • moveTabAfter

      void moveTabAfter(IUserTab moveTab, IUserTab targetTab)
      Moves a selected tab to new location before another tab selected by the user.
      moveTab - The existing tab to move.
      targetTab - The existing tab you would like to insert after in tab set order.
    • hideTab

      void hideTab(IUserTab userTab)
    • showTab

      void showTab(IUserTab userTab)
    • hideAllTabs

      void hideAllTabs()
    • showAllTabs

      void showAllTabs()