ApplinX Server Administrator

Starting the Server Administrator

From the Start menu, select Software AG > Administration > ApplinX Administration <version number>.

Alternatively, you can run the Administrator from a remote PC (for example: on a Microsoft Windows operating system) and connect to the server using TCP/IP.

Logging On

Once you start the ApplinX Administrator, the Logon screen is displayed. When this is the first time you are logging on, by default, "Administrator" will be displayed in the User name field. Type the server address (IPv4 and IPv6 address formats are supported) and port. When it is not the first time you are logging on, the Administrator will automatically try to connect to the last server it connected to.

You may have to set a new password when connecting for the first time.

Main Screen

The screen consists of four parts:

  • Title bar, menu bar and toolbar.

  • ApplinX Explorer pane.

  • Main view: The main view corresponds to the selected node/entity/session in the ApplinX Explorer.

  • Status bar: The status bar displays information according to the object selected in the main view. The status bar may include information such as: the user name, application name, the number of users connected, indication of file tracing/replaying or the host address.

Operations, features and applications that the logged-in user is not authorized to use will be disabled or are invisible.

ApplinX Explorer

Enables viewing and controlling users' activity, maintaining the server's configuration, viewing runtime information about connection pools, sessions, server logs, define hosts and design and configure applications.

ApplinX The root node.
Management Includes managerial functions.
Current Activity Controls the sessions connected to the server, the server activity and the connection pools. The Current Activity node is unavailable when the ApplinX Administrator is not connected to the server.
Sessions Lists the currently connected sessions.
Connection Pools Provides runtime information regarding the connection pools.
Security Holds the definitions of the users, their permissions and roles, and the user groups.
Server Logs Lists the server logs.


Icon Description
graphics/TBunlink.gif Disconnect from Server
graphics/TBlink.gif Connect to Server
graphics/TBserverinfo.gif Server Information...
graphics/TBlogs.gif Server Log
graphics/TBnewfolder.gif New Folder
graphics/TBusers.gif New User
graphics/TBgroups.gif New Group
graphics/TBdelete.gif Delete
graphics/TBrefreshTable.gif Refresh
graphics/TBupOneLevel.gif Up One Level

Menu Bar

File Menu

Menu Item Description
New Creates a new user or group.
Open Opens the selected item.
Delete Deletes the selected item.
Properties Opens the properties of the selected item.
Exit Exits the Administrator.

Edit Menu

Menu Item Description
Select All Selects all entities displayed in the main view.
Invert Selection Selects all entities that were not selected, and deselects entities that were selected.

View Menu

Menu Item Description
ApplinX Explorer Hides/shows the ApplinX Explorer tree area of the screen.
Summary Hides/shows the summary area of the screen.
Server Log Displays the server log.
Refresh Refreshes the main view to match the data stored on the server.

Connection Menu

Menu Item Description
Connect/Disconnect Connects and disconnects the Administrator from the server.
Cancel Session Displays the View Session window of the selected session.

Tools Menu

Menu Item Description
Server Info Displays the Server Information dialog box.
User Information Displays the User Information dialog box.