ABBYY Cloud OCR is the web-based document processing service that empowers you to convert documents and use the textual information present in your PDF files, screenshots, document images and more.
processBarcodeField: Create a task to extract the value of a barcode on an image
processBusinessCard: Create a task to recognize a business card on an image
processCheckmarkField: Create a task to extract the value of a checkmark on an image
processFields: Create a task to recognize several fields in a document
processImage: Creates a processing task for the image
processMRZ: Create a task for process machine-readable zone on the image
processReceipt: Create a task to recognize the image of a receipt
processTextField: Create a task for extract the value of a text field on an image
submitImage: Create a new task for the image or add the image to the existing task
deleteTask: Delete the task
getApplicationInfo: Retrieve information about the application type, its current balance and expiration date
getTaskStatus: Return the current status of the task and the URL of the result
listFinishedTasks: Get list of finished tasks
listTasks: Return the list of tasks
processDocument: Process several images using the same settings
Acuity Scheduling
Acuity Scheduling is a cloud-based appointment scheduling platform that enables organizations to automate online appointment bookings.
cancelAppointment: Cancel an appointment
createAppointment: Create an appointment
createClient: Create a new client
deleteClient: Delete an existing client
rescheduleAppointment: Reschedule an appointment
updateAppointment: Update appointment details from an allowed list of updatable attributes
updateClient: Update a current client
getAppointmentTypes: Return appointment types
getSingleAppointment: Get a single appointment by ID
listAppointments: Get a list of appointments currently scheduled for the authenticated user
listClients: Get a list of clients
Avalara AvaTax
Avalara AvaTax allows you to calculate taxes, modify documents, and validate addresses.
Adjust Tax: Make adjustments to existing committed documents.
Cancel Tax: Voids or deletes an existing transaction record from the AvaTax system.
Commit Tax: Changes the state of document to committed.
Get Tax: Calculate taxes on a document such as a sales order, sales invoice, purchase order, purchase invoice, or credit memo.
Get Tax History: Retrieve details for previously saved documents.
Post Tax: Change the state to Posted for the documents saved to the AvaTax database via SalesInvoice, ReturnInvoice or PurchaseInvoice methods.
Validate Address: Normalize a single US or Canadian address, providing a non-ambiguous address match.
Azure DevOps
Azure DevOps is a cloud–based platform that allows you to plan your projects using Agile tools, manage code in git repositories, and deploy using CI/CD systems.
Build Completed: Triggers when a build of the specified organization is marked as completed.
Code Checked-in: Triggers when a code is checked-in under the specified path.
Code Pushed: Triggers when a new code is pushed to the specified organization.
Pull Request Created: Triggers when a new pull request is created in the specified organization.
Pull Request Merge Attempted: Triggers when merging of new pull request with existing one is attempted in the specified organization.
Pull Request Updated: Triggers when an existing pull request is updated in the specified organization.
Release Created: Triggers when an new release is create for the specified organization.
Release Abandoned: Triggers when release is abandoned of the specified organization.
Release Deployment Started: Triggers when the release deployment of the specified organization is started.
Release Deployment Approval Pending: Triggers when release deployment approval of the specified organization is pending.
Release Deployment Approval Completed: Triggers when approval of deployment release is completed.
Release Deployment Completed: Triggers when the release deployment of the specified organization is completed.
Work Item Commented On: Triggers when a new comment is added to the specified work item.
Work Item Created: Triggers when a new work item is created in the specified organization.
Work Item Deleted: Triggers when an existing work item is deleted form the specified organization.
Work Item Restored: Triggers when an existing work item is restored.
Work Item Updated: Triggers when an existing work item is updated.
Cloudmersive NLP
Using Cloudmersive NLP, you can perform tasks such as sentence parsing, parts of speech recognition, and entity detection to better understand the unstructured text.
checkIfSentenceIsSpelledCorrectly: Verifies if a sentence is spelled correctly.
getAdjectivesInString: Retrieves all adjectives in an input string.
detectLanguageOfText: Determines the language of a text string. Supports Danish (DAN), German (DEU), English (ENG), French (FRA), Italian (ITA), Japanese (JPN), Korean (KOR), Dutch (NLD), Norwegian (NOR), Portuguese (POR), Russian (RUS), Spanish (SPA), Swedish (SWE), Chinese (ZHO).
findSpellingCorrectionsInWord: Suggests spelling corrections for a given word.
getWordsInInputString: Retrieves the words in an input string.
How to Create Custom Actions for Workday Connectors
The Workday connector connects to Workday Cloud using SOAP APIs, allowing you to perform a wide range of operations with cloud ERP systems for finance, HR, Planning, and much more.
API Versions: 34
Authentication and Authorization: Basic, Oauth 2.0
Key Capabilities: $filter
Prerequisites: Working knowledge of Workday and Workday APIs
Due to this upgrade, your existing workflows and flow services based on the generic version (v1.0) of the Workday connector will no longer work. Recreate such workflows and flow services with the newly released version-specific Workday connectors.
How to Create Custom Actions for Workday Connectors
IBM webMethods Integration allows you to create custom actions for the supported Workday connectors. The custom actions can then be used in your workflows to automate your tasks. You can create your own custom actions and also edit or delete those custom actions.
Let’s see an example of how to create a custom action for the Workday connector. To do this, add the Workday connector on canvas and configure an Account.
When you are configuring a custom action, you are prompted to select an existing account or create a new account. To create a custom action, click the + icon located beside the Select Action label.
You will be redirected to the screen given below:
To configure an Account, click the + icon and provide relevant information required to connect to Workday account. :
Account Name: Provide a name for the account which will be used to connect to Workday.
Server URL: The login endpoint to initiate communication with the SaaS provider. Specify the correct instance and tenantID, for example,
Username: Provide the Workday user name appended with workday tenantID, for example,
.Password: Provide the password of the Workday account.
Version: Provide the SOAP API version of Workday. This is a mandatory field. The supported default version is v31.1. You can provide a lower or higher version unless the WSDL is compatible with the connector certified version.
Click Add to configure the account details.
Select a functional area from the options available in the drop-down list. For example, Human_ResourceService.
NoteThe Workday account supports all operations in the following functional areas of Workday HCM module.Click Next. The WSDL validation happens for the corresponding functional area. If WSDL validation is successful, the service lists the operations:
If there are errors while processing, then the WSDL document validation fails, and an error message is displayed. You will be prompted to provide a WSDL document to upload or specify a WSDL URL.
Select an operation to be performed.
Click Next and confirm the action, and then click Done.
You will be redirected to the Get Test window.
Click Next. You will be redirected to the action configuration window. It is mandatory to provide values for all the required fields while configuring an action. Provide values for the optional fields as per your requirements.
Click Next. You will be redirected to the Test this action window where you can check if the action is working as expected before executing the workflow. After this click Test.
If you have configured the action correctly, you will see that the operation returns information for all workers.
This will give you an idea of how your action will work when used in a workflow. This output data will then be used to configure the rest of the workflow. With this, our custom action is successfully set up.
Now click on the Save button located at the top-right corner of the canvas to save the workflow. You can now use this account in any workflow created under the same project.
ActionsCustom Actions
Chargebee is a subscription billing and management system that helps you handle subscription lifecycle operations like recurring billing, managing trials, and invoicing.
CreateSubscription: Creates a subscription for a customer
CreateCustomer: Creates a customer and then creates subscriptions for the customer when required
querySubscription: Retrieves the list of subscriptions
queryCustomer: Retrieves the list of customers
Custom Actions
Chargebee connector also lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other actions do.
To know more about how to create custom actions, click here.
Custom Actions
Concur allows you to manage expenses and travel requests for your organization.
Custom Actions
Concur connector lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other predefined actions do.
To know more about how to create custom actions, see Creating Custom Actions.
Contentstack is a headless content management system that lets you design and simplify the process of publication by separating code from content.
Entry Published: Triggers when a new entry is published
Entry Unpublished: Triggers when an existing entry is unpublished
Entry Created: Triggers when a new entry is created
Entry Updated: Triggers when an existing entry is updated
Entry Deleted: Triggers when an existing entry is deleted
Content Type Created: Triggers when a content type is created
Content Type Deleted: Triggers when a content type is deleted
Content Type Updated: Triggers when a content type is updated
Asset Created: Triggers when an asset is created
Asset Deleted: Triggers when an asset is deleted
Asset Published: Triggers when an asset is published
Asset Unpublished: Triggers when an asset is unpublished
Asset Updated: Triggers when an asset is updated
Create Entry: Create a new entry in the specified content type
Delete Entry: Delete the specified entry
Get Entries: Retrieve the list of all entries of the specified content type
Get Entry: Retrieve the details of the specified entry
Publish/Unpublish Entry: Publish or unpublish the specified entry from a specific environment
Update Entry: Update an existing entry
ActionsCustom Actions
Coupa is a cloud-based business spend management platform that helps you gain real-time spend visibility, control, compliance, and agility over all your business spends.
API Versions: 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
Authentication and Authorization: Custom API-key and OAuth 2.0
Key Capabilities: Custom field support
Prerequisites: Coupa familiarity
getAccount: Retrieves the account details of a specific ID
getContract: Retrieves the contract details of a specific contract ID
getInvoice: Retrieves the customer invoice details of a specific ID
getRequisition: Retrieves the requisition details of a specific ID
getSupplier: Retrieves the supplier details of a specific ID
Custom Actions
Coupa connector lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other predefined actions do.
To know more about how to create custom actions, see Creating Custom Actions.
Custom Actions
Docusign is an electronic signature solution industry leader that allows organizations to securely and efficiently manage their electronic agreements.
Custom Actions
Docusign connector lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. To know more about how to create custom actions, click here.
Workflow ActionsFlow service Actions
DocuWare is a leading provider of document management and workflow automation software solutions that enables you to digitize, secure, and work with business documents efficiently.
Workflow Actions
Create Data Record: Create a new data entry
Download Document: Retrieve a particular document
Download Thumbnail: Retrieve the thumbnail that represents the first page of the document
Get All Dialogs: Retrieve all dialogs that belong to the specified file cabinet
Get All File Cabinets and Baskets: Retrieve all file cabinets and baskets
Get Dialog Information: Retrieve the information of a particular dialog
Get Document Count: Retrieve the total number of documents
Get Document Information: Retrieve the information of a particular document
Get File Cabinet Information: Retrieve the information of a particular file cabinet
Get Organization: Retrieve a list of organizations the user is currently logged in
Update Index Values: Update all the requested fields and retrieve all index values of the document
Upload PDF Document: Upload a single PDF document
Add Stamp with Position: Add annotation with the position
Add Stamp with Best Position: Add annotation with the best position
Search Documents in Multiple File Cabinets: Search for documents in multiple file cabinets
Delete Application Property: Delete one or more application properties
Delete Document: Delete a specific document
Transfer Document: Transfer a document from one to another file cabinet
Upsert Application Property: Add and update an application property
Get A Particular Section: Retrieve a particular section from a document
Get Sections From A Document: Retrieve sections from a document
Flow service Actions
createNewDocumentInFileCabinet: Create a database entry of a new document in FileCabinet
getAllFileCabinetsAndBaskets: Retrieve all file cabinets and baskets
getAParticularSection: Fetches a particular section from a document
downloadDocument: The Doc ID mentioned in the request is used to download the document
getAllDataForAFileCabinet: Retrieve all details related to File Cabinet
addStampWithPosition: Adds Stamp With Position
createADataEntryInAFileCabinet: A data entry is created
searchForDocumentsInMultipleFileCabinets: Search for documents
uploadAFileAndCreateADocumentAtTheSameTime: Uploads file and creates a document at the same time
updateApplicationProperty: Adds or Updates the Application Property
deleteApplicationProperty: Deletes Application Property
transferDocument: Transfers document from one to another file cabinet
uploadAFileAndCreateADocumentAtTheSameTimeWithStoreDialog: Uploads a file and create a document at the same time with StoreDialog
getSectionsFromADocument: Fetches sections from a document
getTotalAmountOfDocuments: Retrieve the total number of documents
downloadThumbnail: Retrieve the thumbnail that represents the first page of the document
uploadSinglePdfDocument: Upload a single PDF document
checkoutAParticularDocumentAndDownloadIt: Check-out a particular document and download it
getAllDialogsOfTheFileCabinet: Retrieve all dialogs that belong to the file cabinet specified in the request
updateIndexValuesOfDocument: Update all the requested fields and retrieve all index values of the document
getDocumentFromAFileCabinetUsingFilters: Retrieve document stored in a file cabinet or basket with specified values
getDocumentsFromFileCabinet: Retrieve a list of documents stored in a file cabinet or basket
getAParticularDocument: Retrieve a particular document
getOrganization: Retrieve a list of organizations the user is currently logged in
getTheSearchDialog: Retrieve data related to the search dialog specified in the request
Google Analytics Reporting
Custom Actions
Google Analytics Reporting lets you fetch the analytics data.
Custom Actions
Google Analytics Reporting lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other actions do.
To know more about how to create custom actions, click here.
Google Calender
Google Calendar is a time-management web application and mobile app created by Google.
Event Created: Triggers when a new event is created
Event Updated: Triggers when an existing event is updated
Daily Reminder: Triggers when a daily event reminder is created
Reminder Duration Scheduled: Triggers when a reminder duration for an event is scheduled
Create Calendar Event: Create a new calendar event
Get List of Events: Retrieve the list of all events
Update Calendar Event: Update an existing event
Google Calender (Deprecated)
- Deprecated connectors will continue to work as before and are fully supported by Software AG.
- If you are using deprecated connectors in your existing Workflows and/or Flow services, they will work as expected.
- No new feature enhancements will be made for deprecated connectors.
- If you are creating new Workflows or Flow services, it is recommended to use the provided alternative connectors instead of the deprecated connectors.
- The deprecation is applicable only for Actions.
- The deprecation is not applicable for Triggers, that is, Triggers are supported for both deprecated and alternative connectors. For the list of triggers, see the documentation for alternative connectors.
Google Calendar is a time-management web application and mobile app created by Google.
Insert Calendar: Inserts a secondary calendar
Get Calendar: Returns the metadata of the calendar
Update Calendar: Updates the secondary calendar
Delete Calendar: Deletes a secondary calendar
Clear Calendar: Clears a primary calendar
Delete CalendarList: Deletes an imported and secondary calendar in the users CalendarList
Insert Event: Inserts an event into the calendar
List Events: Lists all the events of the calendar
Get Event: Returns the particular event
Delete Event: Deletes an event in the calendar
Import Event: Adds a private copy of an existing event to a calendar
Move Event: Moves an event from one calendar to another calendar
Update Event: Updates an event in the calendar
Add Quick Event: Adds a quick event to the selected calendar
Get CalendarList By Id: Returns an entry on the user’s calendar list
List All Calendars: Lists all the calendars with metadata in detail
Get Event Instances: Returns instances of the specified recurring event
Insert CalendarList: Adds an entry to the user’s calendar list
Update Calendar List: Updates an entry to the user’s calendar list
Google Forms
Google Forms is a survey administration app that allows you to create forms, share with people, and track their responses.
- New Response In Spreadsheet: Triggers when a new response is added to the specified sheet
List Forms: Provides a list of forms available in the account.
List Questions: Retrieves a list of all questions for the specified form.
List Submission: Retrieves a list of responses for the selected form.
Google Sheets
TriggersActionsCommon Questions
Google Sheets is an online spreadsheet application that lets you create and manage spreadsheets and share them with other users.
- New Spreadsheet Row: Triggers when a new row is added to the specified spreadsheet
Add Multiple Rows: Add multiple rows in the specified spreadsheet
Add Row: Add row to the specified spreadsheet
Create Sheets: Create one or more sheets in the specified spreadsheet
Create Spreadsheet: Create a new spreadsheet
Delete Rows Or Columns: Delete the specified rows or columns from the spreadsheet
Delete Sheets: Delete the specified sheets from a spreadsheet
Get Rows: Retrieve the specified rows from a spreadsheet
Get Sheets: Retrieve the details of specified sheets from a spreadsheet
Update Rows: Update specified rows of a spreadsheet
Common Questions
How to add multiple rows in a spreadsheet?
You can add multiple rows to a Google Sheets spreadsheet by using the ‘Add Rows’ or ‘Update Rows’ action. You can provide input for multiple rows by entering either multi line CSV values or an array of JSON array.
Google Sheets (Deprecated)
ActionsCustom Actions
- Deprecated connectors will continue to work as before and are fully supported.
- If you are using deprecated connectors in your existing Workflows and/or Flow services, they will work as expected.
- No new feature enhancements will be made for deprecated connectors.
- If you are creating new Workflows or Flow services, it is recommended to use the provided alternative connectors instead of the deprecated connectors.
- The deprecation is applicable only for Actions.
- The deprecation is not applicable for Triggers, that is, Triggers are supported for both deprecated and alternative connectors. For the list of triggers, see the documentation for alternative connectors.
Google Sheets is an online spreadsheet application that lets you create and manage spreadsheets and share them with other users.
batchUpdateSpreadsheetData: Update bulk spreadsheet data
batchClearSpreadsheetData: Clear one or more ranges of data from a spreadsheet
updateSpreadsheetData: Update data into a spreadsheet
createSpreadsheet: Create a new spreadsheet
clearSpreadsheetData: Clear data from a spreadsheet
copySheet : Copy a single sheet from a spreadsheet to another spreadsheet
getSpreadsheetData: Retrieve an existing spreadsheet data identified by id and range
appendSpreadsheetData: Append data to an existing spreadsheet
getSpreadsheet: Retrieve an existing spreadsheet identified by id
batchGetSpreadsheetData: Retrieve one or more ranges of data from a spreadsheet
Custom Actions
Google Sheets connector also lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other predefined actions do.
To know more about how to create custom actions, see Creating Custom Actions.
Google Tasks
Google Tasks is an easy way to list down your todos, track the status, and know your progress. It works with Gmail and Google Calendar to keep you alerted and to schedule your tasks precise to the time.
Tasklist Created: Triggers when a new tasklist is created
Task Created: Triggers when a new task in the specified tasklist is created
Task Completed: Triggers when an existing task is marked as completed
Task Updated: Triggers when an existing task is updated
Create New Task: Create a new task in specific task list
Create New Task List: Create a new task list
Delete Task: Delete a specific task from task list
Delete Task List: Delete a specific task list
Get Task Details: Retrieve the details of a specific task from task list
Get Task List: Retrieve all task lists
Get Task List Details: Retrieve the details of a specific task list
Get Tasks: Retrieve all tasks from a task list
Update Task: Update a specific task from the task list
Update Task List: Update a specific task list
Google Translator
Google translator lets you translate the given text to the specified language. This service works with Google Business accounts only.
- Translate Text : Translate the given text to the specified language.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
ActionsCustom Actions
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central allows you to manage Business Central data and access metadata that defines the specific Business Central instance to which you are connecting using the OData API Version 4.0. This Application performs standard CRUD operations on business objects by connecting to the OData service endpoint.
API Versions: v1
API Types: REST (OData)
Authentication and Authorization: OAuth 2.0
Key Capabilities: Custom Fields support, expand
- Azure Active Directory login and password information.
- User account you are using has privileges to connect to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central API.
- You are familiar with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central API. For this, try the following steps:
- Create an app in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
- Generate Access and Refresh tokens using the REST client.
- Configure a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Account in IBM webMethods Integration.
queryEmployees: Queries employees
readEmployee: Reads an employee
readVendor: Reads a vendor
deleteVendor: Deletes a vendor
createEmployee: Creates an employee
updateItem: Updates an item
readItem: Reads an item
updateVendor: Updates a vendor
deleteItem: Deletes an item
createVendor: Creates a vendor
updateEmployee: Updates an employee
createItem: Creates an item
queryItems: Queries items
queryVendors: Queries vendors
deleteEmployee: Deletes an employee
Custom Actions
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central connector also lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other actions do.
To know more about how to create custom actions, click here.
Microsoft To Do
Microsoft To Do is a cloud-based task management tool that helps you to create, update, and manage your daily project tasks, thereby increasing your productivity.
New or Updated Task List: Triggers when a task list is created or updated
Task List Deleted: Triggers when a task list is deleted
New Task: Triggers when a new task is created
Task Updated: Triggers when an existing task is updated
Create Task: Create a new task
Create Task List: Create a new task list
Delete Task List: Delete an existing task list
Delete Task: Delete an existing task
Get Task Details: Retrieve the details of the specified task
Get Task Lists: Retrieve a list of task lists
Get Task List Details: Retrieve the details of the specified task list
Get Tasks: Retrieve a list of tasks
Update Task List: Update an existing task list
Update Task: Update an existing task
Create Linked Resource: Create a linked resource to associate with a task
Delete Linked Resource: Delete an existing linked resource
Get all Linked Resources: Retrieve all linked resources of the specified task
Update Linked Resource: Update an existing linked resource of a task
Get User Details: Retrieve the details of the user
ActionsCustom Actions
Miro is an online collaborative whiteboard platform that facilitates collaboration of distributed teams from brainstorming with digital sticky notes to planning and managing agile workflows.
listAllWidgetss: Provides a list of all widgets.
getCurrentUser: Obtains the logged in user information.
createBoard: Creates a board.
updateCurrentUser: Updates the details of the logged in user.
inviteToTeam: Adds the users with the specified email addresses to the team as role members.
shareBoard: Shares a board to the specified members.
getBoard: Obtains the board information if the specified board exists and is available to the user.
getTeam: Obtains the team information if the specified team exists and is available to the user.
getUser: Obtains the user information if the specified user exists and is available to the logged in user.
updateTeam: Updates the team information.
getBoardMembers: Provides a list of team members who have access to the specified board.
Custom Actions
Miro connector also lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other actions do.
To know more about how to create custom actions, click here.
Microsoft SQL
Microsoft SQL is a relational database management software that lets you store and retrieve data at any point of time.
- MS SQL Query: Perform a specific operation on your database
MySQL is a relational database management software that lets you store and retrieve data at any point of time.
- Execute MySQL Query: Perform a specific operation on your database
ActionsCustom Actions
NetSuite is a cloud-based business management solution that provides you software and services to manage business finances, operations, and customer relations.
API Versions: 2018_2, 2022_1
Authentication and Authorization: Token-based authentication
Key Capabilities: Custom Fields support
- NetSuite account
- Working IBM webMethods Integration tenant
queryDepartmentsByID: Queries existing departments identified by either the internalId or externalId.
createCustomers: Creates multiple new customers.
createContacts: Creates multiple new contacts.
queryCustomersByID: Queries existing customers identified by either the internalId or externalId.
queryJobTypesByID: Queries existing jobTypes identified by either the internalId or externalId.
upsertCustomers: Updates existing customers identified by the user provided externalId and creates new customers if the externalId does not match a customer.
queryCurrenciesByID: Queries existing currencies identified by either the internalId or externalId.
createEmployees: Creates multiple new employees.
upsertTopics: Updates existing topics identified by the user provided externalId and creates new topics if the externalId does not match a topic.
createLocations: Creates multiple new locations.
upsertAccounts: Updates existing accounts identified by the user provided externalId and creates new accounts if the externalId does not match an account.
createCurrencies: Creates multiple new currencies.
upsertContacts: Updates existing contacts identified by the user provided externalId and creates new contacts if the externalId does not match a contact.
upsertLocations: Updates existing locations identified by the user provided externalId and creates new locations if the externalId does not match a location.
createAccounts: Creates multiple new accounts.
upsertEmployees: Updates existing employees identified by the user provided externalId and creates new employees if the externalId does not match an employee.
createDepartments: Creates multiple new departments.
queryLocationsByID: Queries existing locations identified by either the internalId or externalId.
upsertCurrencies: Updates existing currencies identified by the user provided externalId and creates new currencies if the externalId does not match a currency.
queryAccountsByID: Queries existing accounts identified by either the internalId or externalId.
queryTopicsByID: Queries existing topics identified by either the internalId or externalId.
upsertJobTypes: Updates existing jobTypes identified by the user provided externalId and creates new jobTypes if the externalId does not match a jobType.
queryContactsByID: Queries existing contacts identified by either the internalId or externalId.
upsertDepartments: Updates existing departments identified by the user provided externalId and creates new departments if the externalId does not match a department.
queryEmployeesByID: Queries existing employees identified by either the internalId or externalId.
createTopics: Creates multiple new topics.
createJobTypes: Creates multiple new jobTypes.
Custom Actions
NetSuite connector also lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the predefined actions do.
To know more about how to create custom actions, click here Custom Actions.
Oracle NetSuite REST Connector
Custom ActionsUsage NotesLimitations
Oracle NetSuite REST connector allows you to run SuiteQL queries, and perform list, get, delete, update, upsert and create record operations using SuiteTalk REST Web Services.
API Versions: V1
Authentication and Authorization: OAuth 2.0
Key Capabilities: SuiteQL, Custom Field support, Basic CRUD operations
- NetSuite account
- Working IBM webMethods Integration tenant
Custom Actions
NetSuite connector allows you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks.
To know more about how to create custom actions, click here.
Usage Notes
The default values for select and from clauses are set to fields and recordType selected respectively while creating the operation, unless these values are overridden.
The complexQuery takes precedence if specified and any query request inputs are disregarded.
The Add a Field option can be used if your query response includes fields not displayed on the field selection screen.
Get Record
The default values for fields are set to fields selected while creating the operation.
The default value for expandSubresource is set to false. However, to retrieve subresources in the response you can use the parameter expandSubresource. Note that when expandSubresource is used, any specified fields will be ignored.
List Record
- The List record operation allows you to filter the collection of all record instances by specifying filter conditions. For information on Record Collection Filtering, see the NetSuite Application Online Help.
Other Operations
- The Create, Update, and Upsert operations allow you to retrieve the Location header in case of a successful response that includes the ID of the affected record.
Some recordTypes in NetSuite have a beta label indicating that the functionality they provide is preliminary and subject to change or discontinuation without prior notice.
The List Records resource retrieves HATEOAS links and record IDs as a response.
The REST query service does not support the Asynchronous request execution.
The SuiteQL resource retrieves the field values and does not support the retrieval of sublist, subresource, or similar data.
The refresh token request returns both an access and a refresh token when using public clients with OAuth 2.0 Authorization code grant flow. The refresh token can only be used once and is valid for three hours.
The metadata-catalog call, which retrieves a list of recordTypes, may take longer due to delay in creating an operation.
Okta is an enterprise grade, identity management service built for the cloud which integrates deeply with on-premises applications, devices, and identity management systems.
Add Application: Create a new application
Activate User: Activate an existing user
List Groups: Retrieve the list of some or all groups
Add Group: Create a new group
Add User: Create a new user
Add User to Group: Add an existing user to the specified group
Assign Role to User: Assign a role to an existing user
Get Application Details: Retrieve the details of the specified application
Get User Details: Retrieve the details of the specified user
List Applications: Retrieve the list of some or all applications
List Events: Retrieve the list of some or all events
List User Roles: Retrieve the list of roles of some or all users
List Users: Retrieve the list of some or all users
Deactivate Application: Deactivate the specified application
Delete Application: Delete the specified application
Remove Group: Remove the specified group
Remove User from Group: Remove the specified user from a group
Suspend User: Suspend an existing active user
Unsuspend User: Unsuspend an existing suspended user
Update Group: Update an existing group
Update User: Update an existing user
Get User Groups: Retrieve the details of the group associated with specified user
Delete User: Delete the specified user
Microsoft OneNote
OneNote is a note-taking and personal information management app offered by Microsoft. It is a computer program for free-form information gathering and multi-user collaboration. It is an electronic notebook where users can write and store reminders, notes, ideas or other pertinent information.
New Notebook: Triggers when a new notebook is created
New Page: Triggers when a new page is created
New Section: Triggers when a new section is created
Page Updated: Triggers when an existing page is updated
Section Updated: Triggers when an existing section is updated
Append Note: Append content at the end of an existing note
Notebook Details: Retrieve more details about a particular notebook
Get Notebooks: Retrieve list of all the notebooks
Get Sections: Fetch all the sections within a specific notebook
Create Notebook: Create a new notebook
Create Page: Create a new page in a specific section of your OneNote Notebook
Create Section: Create a new section in an existing notebook
Search Notebooks: Search notebooks from your account
Create Note: Create a new note
Get Note Content: Retrieve the content from a particular note
Download Note Attachment: Download the attachment from a particular note
PayPal is an online payment system that acts as an alternative to checks and money orders. It lets you create and send invoices, store credit card details and retrieve transactions associated with the credit cards.
Create Billing Plan: Create a billing plan
Create Invoice: Create a new invoice
Get List of Invoices: Retrieve the list of some or all invoices
Get List of Billing Plans: Retrieve the list of some or all billing plans
Get List of Credit Cards: Retrieve the list of some or all credit cards
Get List of Payments: Retrieve the list of some or all payments
Store Credit Card: Store the details of the specified credit card
ActionsCustom Actions is an image editing application that allows you to remove the background of an image and use the stripped-back image wherever you need it.
removeBackground: Removes the background of a given JPG or PNG image.
fetchAccountDetails: Retrieves information about the credit balance and the number of free API calls available now.
Custom Actions connector also lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other actions do.
To know more about how to create custom actions, click here.
ActionsCustom Actions
SalesLoft allows you to manage sales teams, sales organizations, target accounts and customer accounts using REST.
updateNote: Updates a note
queryCalls: Fetches multiple call records
createAccount: Creates an account
getNote: Fetches a note, by ID only
queryAccounts: Fetches multiple account records
updateAccount: Updates an account
createCall: Creates a call
fetchCall: Fetches a call, by ID only
queryNotes: Fetches multiple note record
squeryPeople: Fetches multiple person records
createNote: Creates a note
Custom Actions
SalesLoft connector lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other actions do.
To know more about how to create custom actions, click here.
ServiceMax is a SaaS platform that enables you to automate your operational planning processes such as workforce optimization, advanced scheduling and dispatch, parts logistics, and so on, efficiently.
Create Service Request: Create a new service
List Service Request: List service requests
Update Service Request: Update the specified service request
SAP SuccessFactors OData 2.0
ActionsCustom Actions
SAP SuccessFactors is a cloud-based human experience management platform for enterprises. It enables you to perform SuccessFactors operations over HTTP (create, read, update, delete, fetch, insert, query, querymore, and upsert) using OData protocols.
Create: Creates a single entity record.
Update: Updates a single entity record.
Delete: Deletes a single entity record.
Query: Provides a list of entities based on the search criteria.
Read: Obtains entity details based on the specified ID.
Create Multiple: Creates multiple entity records.
Delete Multiple: Deletes multiple entity records.
Read Multiple: Obtains multiple entity records for the specified IDs.
Update Multiple: Updates multiple entity records.
Upsert Multiple: Updates or inserts multiple entity records.
Custom Actions
SAP SuccessFactors OData 2.0 connector also lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other actions do.
To know more about how to create custom actions, click here.
Sitecore Content Hub
ActionsCustom Actions
Sitecore Content Hub is a single, streamlined marketing hub that allows marketers to plan, review, and manage the entire content lifecycle in one place.
listFetchJobs: List all the available fetch jobs
listSelections: List all the possible selections and the selected entities
createFetchJobs: Create a Fetch job which is handled by the Fetch worker update
FetchJobs: Update a Fetch job which is handled by the Fetch worker
createOptionLists: Create Option Lists
getFetchJob: Return the fetch job in the body
getOptionList: Return the requested option list
getFileOfFetchJob: Return the fetch job file in the body
deleteEntityByID: Delete an entity by its ID
deleteOptionLists: Delete Option Lists
listOptionLists: Return all the available option lists
listFilesOfFetchJobs: Return all the files in the body if a fetch job file was found
Custom Actions
Sitecore connector lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other actions do.
To know more about how to create custom actions, click here.
Smartsheet is an online project and task management app with advanced collaboration features. It allows you to create and manage sheets, reports, and workspaces for your organization.
Column Cell Updated: Triggers when a cell of a specified column is updated
Sheet Operations: Sheet Operations contains number of trigger events as mentioned here:
New Row Created: Triggers when a new row is created in the specified sheet
Row Updated: Triggers when an existing row is updated in the specified sheet
Row Deleted: Triggers when an existing row is deleted from the specified sheet
New Column Created: Triggers when a new column in created in the specified sheet
Column Deleted: Triggers when an existing column is deleted from the specified sheet
Comment Added: Triggers when a new comment is added to the specified sheet
Comment Deleted: Triggers when a comment is deleted from the specified sheet
Attachment Added: Triggers when a new attachment is added to the specified sheet
Attachment Deleted: Triggers when an existing attachment is deleted from the specified sheet
Discussion Deleted: Triggers when an existing discussion is deleted
You can select one or multiple trigger events to receive the notification
Add Columns: Add new columns in the specified sheet
Add Rows: Add new rows in the specified sheet
Attach File to Row: Add the specified file to the specified row
Copy Workspace: Create a copy of the specified workspace
Create Sheet: Create a new sheet at the specified location
Create Workspace: Create a new workspace
Delete Row: Delete the specified row
Delete Sheet: Delete the specified sheet
Get Report Publish Status: Retrieve the publish status of the specified report
Get Row: Retrieve the specified row from the specified sheet
Get Sheet Details: Retrieve the details of the specified sheet
List Groups: Retrieve some or all groups
List Reports: Retrieve some or all reports
List Sheets: Retrieve some or all sheets
List Workspaces: Retrieve some or all workspaces
Send Sheet via Email: Send the specified sheet to the specified recipient via email
Set Report Publish Status: Set a publish status for the specified report
Share Sheet: Share the specified sheet with the specified recipients via email
Update Rows: Update the values for the specified rows
Attach Url to Row: Attach a URL to the specified row
Attach Url to Sheet: Attach a URL to the specified sheet
Comment on Row: Comment on the specified row
Comment on Sheet: Comment on the specified sheet
Get Column: Retrieve the details of the specified column in a sheet
Search by Column: Search for the required value in the specified column of the sheet
Copy Row to Another Sheet: Copy the specified row from a sheet to another sheet
Move Row to Another Sheet: Move the specified row from a sheet to another sheet
StrikeIron Contact Verification
ActionsCustom Actions
StrikeIron lets you access email verification and hygiene services, along with the North America address verification service using the StrikeIron Contact Verification APIs version 6.
Verify Email Address: Verify the specified email address
Verify North American Address: Verify the specified North American address
Custom Actions
StrikeIron connector also lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other actions do.
To know more about how to create custom actions, click here.
SuccessFactors HCM
ActionsCustom Actions
SuccessFactors allows you to connect using the SuccessFactors web service SFAPI, and perform SuccessFactors operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete, Fetch, Insert, Query, queryMore, and Upsert) over HTTP, using synchronous SOAP protocols.
describeMetadata: Describe the metadata
Create: Create a single entity record
Update: Update (replace) single entity record
Delete: Delete single entity record
Query: Query entities based on the search criteria
Read: Read entity by id
Create Multiple: Create multiple entity record
Delete Multiple: Delete multiple entity record
Read Multiple: Read multiple entity record
Update Multiple: Update (replace) multiple entity record
serviceRootUri: Get service root URI
Custom Actions
SuccessFactors HCM connector also lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other actions do.
To know more about how to create custom actions, click here.
Tick offers cross-platform time tracking apps for easy task and project management.
Get Users: Retrieve all users
Get Tasks: Retrieve some or all tasks
Get Task Details: Retrieve the details of a specific task
Get Projects: Retrieve all projects
Get Project Details: Retrieve the details of specific project
Get Entry Details: Retrieve the details of a specific entry
Get Entries: Retrieve all entries created between a specific time range
Get Clients: Retrieve all clients
Get Client Details: Retrieve the details of a specific client
Delete Task: Delete a specific task
Delete Project: Delete a specific project
Delete Entry: Delete a specific entry
Delete Client: Delete a specific client
Create Task: Create a new task under a specific project
Create Project: Create a new project for a specific client
Create Entry: Create a new entry
Create Client: Create a new client
Todoist helps you to create and organize millions of todos and tasks that you add to your list from anywhere at any time. As all the tasks are present at one place and synchronized among all devices, Todoist allows you to track them easily.
Task Created: Triggers when a new task is created
Project Created: Triggers when a new project is created
Task Completed: Triggers when an existing task is marked as completed
Mark Task as Complete: Complete a task listed in your project, mark it as done, and move it to the list of ‘completed’ tasks (or history)
Update Project: Update an existing project
Update Task: Update an existing task
Delete Project: Delete an existing project
Delete Task: Delete an existing task
Add New Task: Create new task
Add New Project: Create a new project
Get Project Details: Retrieve the details of the specified project
Toggl is time-tracking software that offers online time tracking and reporting services through their mobile and desktop app as well as their website.
New Workspace: Triggers when a new workspace is created
New Project: Triggers when a new project is created
New Client: Triggers when a new client is added
Toodledo is an online project management tool that lets you store all your tasks, notes, files and folders in a single place.
New/Modified Task: Triggers when a new task is created or existing task is modified
New/Modified Task in Folder: Triggers when a new task is created or an existing task is modified in a specific folder
New/Modified Task in Context: Triggers when a new task is created or an existing task is modified in a specific context
New Folder: Triggers when a new folder is created
Task Marked as Complete: Triggers when a task is completed
Task Marked as Starred: Triggers when a task is starred
New/Modified Note: Triggers when a new note is created or an existing note is modified
New/Modified List: Triggers when a new list is created or an existing list is modified
Create Folder: Create a new folder
Create Notes: Create a new note
Create Tasks: Create a new task
Delete Folder: Delete the specified folder
Delete Note: Delete the specified note
Delete Task: Delete the specified task
Get Folders: Retrieve the details of all folders
Get Notes: Retrieve the details of all notes
Get Tasks: Retrieve the details of a specific task or all tasks
Update Folder: Update an existing folder
Triggerapp is a project management app that combines client management, collaboration, and invoicing.
Create Company: Create a new company
Create Project: Create a new project
Create Task: Create a new task under an existing project
Delete Company: Delete an existing company
Delete Project: Delete an existing project
Delete Task: Delete an existing task
Get Companies List: Retrieve list of all the existing companies
Get Company Detail: Retrieve more details on a particular company
Get Company Project List: Retrieve list of all the projects created under a particular company
Get Company Specific Users: Retrieve list of all the users of a particular company
Get Most Recent Activities: Retrieve list of the most recent activities
Get Project Detail: Retrieve more details on a particular project
Get Project List: Retrieve list of all the existing projects
Get Task Detail: Retrieve more details on a particular task
Get Task List: Retrieve list of all the existing tasks
Get Task Specific Users: Retrieve list of all the users of a particular task
Get Task’s Activities: Retrieve list of recent activities of a particular task
Get Users List: Retrieve list of all the existing users
Uber is a ride-sharing mobile app that allows you to request a ride from your smart phone.
Get User Profile: Retrieve details about the current logged-in user
Request Ride: Allows user to request a ride
Get User Activity History: Retrieve user’s lifetime activity with Uber
Get Products Offered at Location: Retrieve list of all products offered at a particular location
Get ETAs for All Products: Retrieve ETAs (in seconds) of all products offered at a particular location
Get Estimated Price Range for Each Product: Retrieve estimated price range for each product offered at a given location
UserVoice is web-based tool that gathers customer feedback and collects it in such a way such that it can contribute to better product development.
New Suggestion: Triggers when a new suggestion is added.
New Forum: Triggers when a new forum is created.
New Comment: Triggers when a new comment is added.
New User Feedback: Triggers when a new user feedback is added.
Suggestion Status Updated: Triggers when an existing suggestion status is updated.
Suggestion Votes Updated: Triggers when an existing suggestion vote is updated.
VoApps is a DirectDrop Voicemail service which allows you to send automated ringless voicemails to your customers so that your agents can focus on attending incoming calls.
Create Campaign: Create a new campaign
Get Campaign: Get the details of a specific campaign
Webmaster Tools
HTML Validator: Check for syntactical correctness of a web page
English Spelling Check: Check words that may not be spelled correctly in the given input
Search Strings in WebPages: Search specific strings in a web page
Webflow is a web design tool that allows you to design, build, and launch responsive websites with no coding knowledge.
New Site Published: Triggers when a new site is published
New Form Submitted: Triggers when a new form is submitted
Create Item: Create a new item in the specified collection
Get Collections: Retrieve the list of collections from the specified site
Get Collections Details: Retrieve the details of the specified collection from a site
Get Item Details: Retrieve the details of the specified item from a collection
Get Items: Retrieve the list of the specified items from a collection
Get Site Details: Retrieve the details of a specific site
Get Sites: Retrieve the list of all sites
Update Item: Update a specific item from a collection
ActionsCustom Actions
Zuora is a subscription management platform that helps organizations manage their subscription-based services.
Amend: Change a subscription, such as upgrading the subscription
Create Accounts: Create new accounts
Create Contacts: Create new contacts
Create Payments: Create new payments
Create Products: Create new products
Generate Invoices: Generate invoices for a specific customer account on demand
Subscribe: Bundle the information required to create one or more new subscriptions
Update Accounts: Update specific accounts
Update Contacts: Update specific contacts
Update Payments: Update specific payments
Update Products: Update specific products
Query Accounts: Query specific accounts
Delete Business Objects: Delete a set of business objects
Query Contacts: Query specific contacts
Query Payments: Query specific payments
Query Products: Query specific products
Custom Actions
Zuora connector lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other actions do.
To know more about how to create custom actions, click here.
Zuora REST
ActionsCustom Actions
The Zuora REST API provides a broad set of operations and resources to enable web Storefront integration from the website, support self-service subscriber sign-ups and account management, process revenue schedules through custom revenue rule models and so on.
createPaymentMethods: Create multiple payment methods
createUnitOfMeasures: Create multiple unit of measures
createAccountingCodes: Create multiple accounting codes
createContacts: Create multiple contacts
queryAccounts: Query the accounts based on query criteria
queryAccountingCodes: Query the accounting codes based on query criteria
createUsages: Create multiple usages
queryAmendments: Query the amendments based on query criteria
createAccountingPeriods: Create multiple accounting periods
queryInvoiceAdjustments: Query the invoice adjustments based on query criteria
queryUnitOfMeasures: Query the unit of measures based on query criteria
queryProducts: Query the products based on query criteria
createAccounts: Create multiple accounts
createBillingRuns: Create multiple billing runs
createTaxationItems: Create multiple taxation items
createInvoicePayments: Create multiple invoice payments
createInvoiceAdjustments: Create multiple invoice adjustments
queryInvoicePayments: Query the invoice payments based on query criteria
queryProductRatePlans: Query the product rate palns based on query criteria
createRefund: Create multiple refunds
queryRefund: Query the refunds based on query criteria
createProducts: Create multiple products
createInvoices: Create multiple invoices
createPayments: Create multiple payments
queryContacts: Query the contacts based on query criteria
queryAccountingPeriods: Query the accounting periods based on query criteria
queryMore: Query the accounting codes based on query criteria
createProductRatePlans: Create multiple product rate plans
createAmendments: Create multiple amendments
createSubscriptions: Create subscription for an existing customer account
querySubscriptions: Query the subscriptions based on query criteria
Custom Actions
Zuora REST connector lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other actions do.
To know more about how to create custom actions, click here.