Working with Embedded Editor

Embed the workflow editor (canvas) into your application website to enable your application users create custom workflows.


To embed the workflow editor (canvas) into your application website, first configure the following settings:

  1. Import the index.html file on the following route:


    Note: You can optionally add the ‘Subpath’ prefix in the given URL. To add subpath, navigate to demo_site > clientview > dist > index.html file and update the value of window.SUBPATH.
    Example: /subpath/projects/project_uid/workflows/workflow_uid/edit

  2. Ensure that the ‘identifier’ and ‘synergy’ keys are present in the localstorage before loading the given URL in browser. Only logged-in users can see the editor in Embed.

Supported Functions

Use the following functions supported by Embed to embed workflow editor in your application website:

  1. projectNameValidation(projectName)

    This function allows you to validate the specified name of the project.

    Sample code to validate project name

    var projectName = "Project1"; // Name of the project
    var error =  Embed.projectNameValidation(projectName);
    if( error ) {

    Error messages

    • The project name should not be empty.
    • Max character length should be 36.
    • The project name should not start with a number or any special character. It can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores.

  2. tagNameValidation(tags)

    This function allows you to validate name of a tag.


    Name Type Description
    tags Array of String (required) Array of tags to validate

    Sample Code

    var tags = [“tag123”, “tag456”]; // Array of tags
    var error =  Embed.tagNameValidation(tags);
    if( error ) {

    Error messages

    • Tag name length should not exceed 100 characters.
    • Tag name should contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens.
    • Tag name should contain at least one alphanumeric character.

  3. getConsumerProjects(getConsumerProjectPayload: Object)

    This function returns all projects associated with logged in user.

    Sample Code

    var skip = 0;
    var limit = 100;
    var name = "proj"; // Partial search on project name
    var fields = ["name", "uid" , "solution"] // fetch mentioned fields
    var tags = ["tag123", "tag456" ] // fetch mentioned tags
    window.Embed.getConsumerProjects({skip, limit, name, fields, tags}).then((resp) => {
        //resp => display project list
    }, (err)=> {
    //Fields = uid, name, ic_project_name, env_uid, tenant_uid, created_by, updated_by, flow_count, icons, integration_icons ,integration_count ,rest_soap_icons ,deleted_at ,deployed ,version ,from_tenant ,solution ,default ,hidden ,product_type ,embed_name ,tags ,created_at ,updated_at
  4. getConsumerProjectByUid(project_uid: String)

    This function returns record associated with a specific project UID.

    Sample code to fetch specific project

    var project_uid = "fl123456789"; //Uid of project
    Embed.getConsumerProjectByUid(project_uid).then((resp) => {
    // resp => single project record
    },(err)=> {
  5. createConsumerProject(createProjectPayload: Object)

    This function creates a new project for the logged-in user.

    Sample code to create new project

    var name = "Project1"; //Name of the project
    window.Embed.createConsumerProject({name}).then((resp) => {
    // resp => Newly created project record
    }, (err) => {
    if(err.message) {
    } else {
  6. updateConsumerProject(updateProjectPayload: Object)

    This function updates a project name.

    Sample code to update project name

    var name = "UpdateProj"; // Updated project name
    var uid = "fl123456789"; // Uid of the project
    window.Embed.updateConsumerProject({name, uid}).then( (resp) => {
    // resp => Updated project record
    }, (err) => {
  7. deleteConsumerProject(deleteProjectpayload: Object)

    This functions deletes a specific project.

    Sample code to delete a project

    var uid = "fl123456789"; // Uid of the project
    window.Embed.deleteConsumerProject({uid}).then((resp) => {
    // resp => Project successdully deleted.
    }, (err) => {
  8. updateConsumerProjectTags(updateProjectTagsPayload : Object)

    This function updates tag(s) associated with a project (create, update, delete) and returns the updated project.

    Payload object keys

    Name Type Description
    uid String (required) UID of the project
    tags Arrary of String (required) Updated tags array

    Sample code

    var tags = [“tag123”, “tag456”]; // Updated project tags
    var uid = "fl123456789"; // Uid of the project
    window.Embed. updateConsumerProjectTags({tags, uid}).then( (resp) => {
    // resp => Updated project record
    }, (err) => {
  9. getConsumerProjectTags()

    This function returns all the tags along with projects associated to respective tags.

    Sample code

    window.Embed.getConsumerProjectTags().then((resp) => {
    // resp => Workflow list
  10. getConsumerWorkflows(getConsumerWorkflowPayload: Object)

    This function return all workflows associated with project.

    Sample code to fetch all project workflows

    var skip = 0;
    var limit = 100;
    var project_uid = "fl123456789"; // Uid of the project
    var name = "Workflow1"; // Workflow Name
    window.Embed.getConsumerWorkflows({skip, limit, project_uid, name}).then((resp) => {
    // resp => Workflow list
  11. getConsumerWorkflowById(getConsumerWorkflowPayload: Object)

    This function returns a specific workflow based on the workflow version.

    Sample code to fetch specific workflow based on a version

    var workflow_uid = "fl987654321"; // Uid of workflow
    var flow_version = 1; // Version of the workflow
    var project_uid = "fl123456789"; // Uid of project
    window.Embed.Embed.getConsumerWorkflowById({project_uid, workflow_uid, flow_version} ).then((resp) => {
    // resp => single Workflow record
  12. createConsumerWorkflow(createWorkflowPayload: object)

    This function creates a new workflow.

    Sample code to create a workflow.

    var name = "Workflow1"; // Name of the workflow
    var project_uid = "fl123456789"; // Uid of workflow
    var description = "description of the workflow"; //Worfklow description
    window.Embed.createConsumerWorkflow({name, project_uid, description}).then((resp) => {
    // resp => Newly created workflow record
    }, (err) => {
  13. updateConsumerWorkflowName(updateWorkflowPayload: Object)

    This function updates the name of a workflow.

    Sample code

    var name = "Workflow1Updated"; //Updated workflow name
    var uid = "fl9876543210"; // Uid of the workflow
    var project_uid = "fl123456789"; // Uid of the project
    var description = "UpdatedDescription"; //Updated description of the workflow
    window.Embed.updateConsumerWorkflowName({ name, uid, project_uid }).then((resp) => {
    //resp => Updated workflow  record
    }, (err) => {
  14. deleteConsumerWorkflow(deleteWorkflowPayload: Object)

    This function deletes a workflow.

    Sample code

    var uid = "fl987654321"; // Uid of workflow
    var project_uid = "fl123456789"; //Uid of project
    window.Embed.deleteConsumerWorkflow({uid, project_uid}).then((resp) => {
    // resp => Flow successdully deleted.
    }, (err) => {
  15. importConsumerWorkflow({workflow_file, project_uid})

    This function imports (upload) an exported (downloaded) workflow for a project with the given uid and returns an object with imported workflow details.


    workflowObject (object):

    • workflow_file (file object) : Workflow file to import
    • project_uid (string) : UID of the project to which workflow needs to be imported (can be obtained from Embed.getConsumerWorkflows() or Embed.getConsumerProjects())

    Sample code

    let workflow_file = document.getElementById('importInputElement').files[0]; // workflow file to import
    let project_uid = '123456abcd';     // can be obtained from Embed.getConsumerWorkflows() or Embed.getConsumerProjects()
    window.Embed.importConsumerWorkflow({workflow_file, project_uid}).then(function(resp){
    // resp => imported workflow record
    } ,(err) =>{
  16. exportConsumerWorkflow({name, description, project_uid, uid})

    This function exports (download) a workflow with given project_uid and uid. It returns an object with download_link(URL String) and valid_till (ISO Date String).

    Note: The response is valid only for 10 minutes.


    workflowObject (object):

    • name: Name of the workflow (mandatory)
    • description: Description of the workflow (non-mandatory)
    • project_uid (string) : UID of the project whose workflow needs to be exported (can be obtained from Embed.getConsumerWorkflows() or Embed.getConsumerProjects())
    • uid: UID of the workflow which needs to be exported (can be obtained from Embed.getConsumerWorkflows())

    Sample code

    let projectUID = '123456abcd';  // can be obtained from Embed.getConsumerWorkflows() or Embed.getConsumerProjects()
    let workflowUID = 'qwertyuiop1234';     // can be obtained from Embed.getConsumerWorkflows()
    window.Embed.importConsumerWorkflow({name:"Export Workflow", description:"Test export", project_uid: projectUID, uid: workflowUID}).then(function(res){
        var url=res.download_link;
        if(res.valid_till > new Date().toISOStirng()), '_blank');
    } ,(err) =>{
  17. activateConsumerWorkflow (activateWorkflowPayload : Object)

    This function activates or deactivates a specific workflow and returns the updated workflow.

    Payload object keys

    Name Type Description
    project_uid String (required) UID of the Project
    uid String (required) UID of the Workflow
    active Boolean (optional)
    (default: true)
    True to activate the workflow
    False to deactivate the workflow

    Sample code

    var project_uid = "fl987654321"; // Uid of the project
    var uid = "fl123456789"; // Uid of the workflow
    var active = true; // activate or deactivate workflow
    window.Embed.activateConsumerWorkflow({project_uid, uid, active}).then( (resp) => {
        // resp => Updated workflow record
    }, (err) => {


  18. getConsumerTemplates(getTemplatesPayload : Object)

    This function returns all the templates.

    Payload object keys

    Name Type Description
    name String (optional) Template name to search (complete/ partial)
    tags Array of String(optional) Template tags to search
    skip Integer(optional)
    (default: 0)
    Pagination skip
    limit Integer(optional)
    (default: 15)
    Pagination limit
    orderBy String(optional) Can use: ‘published_on’, ‘created_at’, ‘updated_at’, ‘name’, keys
    sortBy String(optional) Must be “asc” or “desc” to sort in ascending and descending order respectively

    Sample code

    var name = “Template1”; // Template name
    var tags = [“tag123”]; // Template tags
    var skip = 0; // pagination skip
    var limit = 15; // pagination limit
    var orderBy = “updated_at”; // order by updated_at value
    var sortBy= “desc”; // descending sort
    window.Embed.getConsumerTemplates({name, tags, skip, limit, orderBy ,sortBy}).then( (resp) => {
        // resp => Templates record
    }, (err) => {
  19. createConsumerTemplate(createTemplatePayload : Object)

    This function creates consumer template for a project and returns the template response.

    Payload object keys

    Name Type Description
    project_uid String (required) UID of the project
    name String (required) Template name
    description String(optional) Template description
    publish Boolean(optional) Publish template
    tags Array of String(optional) Template tags

    Sample code

    var project_uid = "fl987654321"; // Uid of the project
    var name = "Template123"; // Name of the template
    var description = "Test Template"; // Description of the template
    var publish = true; // Publish the template
    var tags = [“tag123”, “tag456”]; // Template tags
    window.Embed.createConsumerTemplate({project_uid, name, description ,publish, tags }).then( (resp) => {
        // resp => Created Template record
    }, (err) => {
  20. updateConsumerTemplate(updateTemplatePayload : Object)

    This function updates a consumer template for a project and returns the updated template response.

    Payload object keys

    Name Type Description
    solution String(required) UID of the template
    name String (required) Template name
    description String(optional) Template description
    publish Boolean(optional) Publish template
    tags Array of String(optional) Template tags

    Sample code

    var solution = "fl1234567789"; // Uid of the template
    var name = "Template123"; // Name of the template
    var description = "Test Template"; // Description of the template
    var publish = true; // Publish the template
    var tags = [“tag123”, “tag456”]; // Template tags
    window.Embed.updateConsumerTemplate({solution, name, description, publish, tags }).then( (resp) => {
        // resp => Updated Template record
    }, (err) => {
  21. deleteConsumerTemplate(deleteTemplatePayload: Object)

    This function deletes a template and returns a delete message.

    Payload object keys

    Name Type Description
    solution String (required) UID of the template

    Sample code

    var solution = "fl123456789"; //Uid of template
    window.Embed.deleteConsumerTemplate({solution}).then((resp) => {
    // resp => Template deleted successfully.
    }, (err) => {
  22. getConsumerTemplateTags()

    This function returns all the template tags along with templates associated with each respective tag.

    Sample code

    window.Embed.getConsumerWorkflows().then((resp) => {
        // resp => Template tags
  23. updateConsumerTemplateTags (updateTemplateTagsPayload : Object)

    This function updates (create, update, delete) tag(s) associated with a specific template and returns the updated template.

    Payload object keys

    Name Type Description
    solution String (required) UID of the template
    tags Arrary of String (required) Updated array of tags

    Sample code

    var tags = [“tag123”, “tag456”]; // Updated template tags
    var solution = "fl123456789"; // Uid of the template
    window.Embed. updateConsumerTemplateTags({tags, solution}).then( (resp) => {
        // resp => Updated project record
    }, (err) => {
  24. publishConsumerTemplate(publishTemplatePayload: Object)

    This function publishes or unpublishes a template.

    Payload object keys

    Name Type Description
    solution String (required) UID of the template
    version Sring (required) Version of the template
    publish Boolean (optional)
    (default: true)
    “true” to publish template
    “false” to unpublish template

    Sample code

    var solution = "fl123456789"; //Uid of template
    var version = "1"; //version of template
    var publish = true; // publish template
    window.Embed.publishConsumerTemplate({solution, version, publish}).then((resp) => {
        // resp => Published Template record.
    }, (err) => {
  25. getConsumerTemplateSchema(getTemplateSchemaPayload: Object)

    This function returns schema associated with a specific template.

    Payload object keys

    Name Type Description
    solution String (required) UID of the template

    Sample code

    var solution = "fl123456789"; //Uid of template
    window.Embed.getConsumerTemplateSchema({solution}).then((resp) => {
        // resp => Template schema record.
    }, (err) => {
  26. updateConsumerTemplateSchema(updateTemplateSchemaPayload: Object)

    This function updates schema associated with particular template and returns updated schema.

    Payload object keys

    Name Type Description
    solution String (required) UID of the template
    schema String (required) Template schema

    Sample code

    var solution = "fl123456789"; //Uid of template
    var schema =
        "icon": "webhook",
        "auth_type": "",
        "webhook_auth": {
            "type": "basic",
            "auth": {
                "user_name": "",
                "password": ""
        "webhook_token": {
            "type": "authtoken",
            "auth": {
                "token": ""
        "show_auth": true,
        "url_execution": true,
        "sync_webhook": false,
        "original_sid": "qwre234TY",
        "type": "trigger"
    ]"; // Schema of template
    window.Embed.ConsumerTemplateSchema({solution}).then((resp) => {
        // resp => Update template schema record.
    }, (err) => {
  27. getConsumerTemplateVersions(getTemplateVersionsPayload: Object)

    This function returns all template versions associated with a specific template.

    Payload object keys

    Name Type Description
    solution String (required) UID of the template
    skip Integer(optional)
    (default: 0)
    Pagination skip
    limit Integer(optional)
    (default: 15)
    Pagination limit
    orderBy String(optional)
    sortBy String(optional) Must be “asc” or “desc” to sort in ascending and descending order respectively

    Sample code

    var solution = "fl123456789"; //Uid of template
    var skip = 0; // pagination skip
    var limit = 15; // pagination limit
    var orderBy = “updated_at”; // order by updated_at value
    var sortBy= “desc”; // descending sort
    window.Embed.getConsumerTemplateVersions({solution, skip, limit, orderBy ,sortBy }).then((resp) => {
        // resp => Template versions record.
    }, (err) => {
  28. deleteConsumerTemplateVersion(deleteTemplateVersionsPayload: Object)

    This function deletes a specific version of a template and returns deletion success message.

    Payload object keys

    Name Type Description
    solution String (required) UID of the template
    version String (required) Version of the template
    force_delete Boolean (optional)
    (default: false)
    “true ”: Force delete template version

    Sample code

    var solution = "fl123456789"; //Uid of template
    var version = 1; //Version of template
    window.Embed.deleteConsumerTemplateVersion({solution, version}).then((resp) => {
        // resp => Template version deleted.
    }, (err) => {
  29. getAdminTemplates(getTemplatesPayload : Object)

    This function returns all templates.

    Payload object keys

    Name Type Description
    name String (optional) Template name to search (complete/ partial)
    tags Array of String (optional) Template tags to search
    skip Integer (optional)
    (default: 0)
    Pagination skip
    limit Integer (optional)
    (default: 15)
    Pagination limit
    orderBy String (optional)
    sortBy String (optional) Must be “asc” or “desc” to sort in ascending and descending order respectively

    Sample code

    var name = “Template1”; // pagination skip
    var tags = [“tag123”]; // pagination skip
    var skip = 0; // pagination skip
    var limit = 15; // pagination limit
    var orderBy = “updated_at”; // order by updated_at value
    var sortBy= “desc”; // descending sort
    window.Embed.getAdminTemplates({name, tags, skip, limit, orderBy ,sortBy}).then( (resp) => {
        // resp => Admin Templates record
    }, (err) => {
  30. getAdminTemplateTags()

    This function returns all admin template tags along with the admin templates associated with each tag.

    Sample code

    window.Embed.getAdminWorkflows().then((resp) => {
        // resp => Admin Template tags
  31. getAdminTemplateVersions(getTemplateVersionsPayload: Object)

    This function returns all admin template versions associated with a specific template.

    Payload object keys

    Name Type Description
    solution String (required) UID of the template
    skip Integer(optional)
    (default: 0)
    Pagination skip
    limit Integer(optional)
    (default: 15)
    Pagination limit
    orderBy String(optional)
    sortBy String(optional) Must be “asc” or “desc” to sort in ascending and descending order respectively

    Sample code

    var solution = "fl123456789"; //Uid of template
    var skip = 0; // pagination skip
    var limit = 15; // pagination limit
    var orderBy = “updated_at”; // order by updated_at value
    var sortBy= “desc”; // descending sort
    window.Embed.getAdminTemplateVersions({solution, skip, limit, orderBy ,sortBy }).then((resp) => {
        // resp => Admin Template versions record.
    }, (err) => {

Customized Editor

You can customize the theme and certain elements of the editor based on your branding requirements.

You can add the custom documentation URL for your application website. To do so, navigate to demo_site > clientview > dist > index.html file and update the value of DOC_DOMAIN. If you don’t provide a custom documentation URL, the help icon (‘i’ icon) is not displayed in the UI.

Custom back button

You can customize the behaviour of the back button. To do so, navigate to demo_site > clientview > dist > assets > js > custom-editor.js file and make relevant changes in the editorBackButtonClicked() function.

Sample code to configure back button

    function editorBackButtonClicked(operation) {

    var a = window.location.pathname.split("/")
    var pid = null;
    for(let i = 0; i < a.length-1; i++){
        pid = a[i+1];
    var route = null;

    if(operation && operation === "logout") {
        route= "/login"
    if(pid) {
        if(operation) {
            route= "/build-your-own-workflow/project/"+pid+"?error="+operation
    } else {
            route= "/build-your-own-workflow/project/"+pid;
    } else {
            if(operation) {
            route= "/build-your-own-workflow"+"?error="+operation
            } else {
            route= "/build-your-own-workflow";

        return route;

Custom CSS

You can apply custom styling based on your branding requirements to your workflow editor in the application website.

To do so, navigate to demo_site > clientview > dist > assets > css > custom-editor.css file and make changes in the relevant classes associated with the respective components you want to customize.

Sample code for applying custom css on a Save Workflow button.

    background: #000 !important;

The following tables provide more information about the workflow editor components and their associated classes. You can make changes in these classes to apply custom styling.


Component Classes
Canvas .canvas-container-wrapper
Canvas default placeholder .canvas-container .compass-icon
.drag-activity-section p

Canvas headers and subheaders

Component Classes
Canvas Header .canvas-sub-header
Canvas Header Back Button .h-s-header
.h-s-header i.flow-icons
Canvas Header Back Button Icon .h-s-header i.flow-icons.icons8
Canvas Header Back Button Icon .h-s-header i.flow-icons.icons8
WorkFlow Edit Icon .canvas-sub-header .flow-title-list h4 i.add-title-pencil
WorkFlow Edit Icon .canvas-sub-header .flow-title-list h4 i.add-title-pencil
WorkFlow Name .canvas-sub-header .flow-title-list h4
WorkFlow Enable/Disable Switch .canvas-sub-header .flow-actions-list > li div.inline-block.canvas-flow-switch .pill
WorkFlow Enable/Disable Switch .canvas-sub-header .flow-actions-list > li div.inline-block.canvas-flow-switch .pill
WorkFlow Enable/Disable Switch Label .pill_switch span.label
WorkFlow Enable/Disable Switch Label .pill_switch span.label
WorkFlow Error Notification Dropdown .canvas-sub-header .warning-section a.error-notification
.warning-section .dropdown-content
WorkFlow Play Button .canvas-sub-header .test-button-wrapper .buton-wrap
WorkFlow Play Button .canvas-sub-header .test-button-wrapper .buton-wrap
.canvas-sub-header .test-button-wrapper .play-icon
WorkFlow Save Button .canvas-sub-header .r-action .btn.save_flow_btn
WorkFlow Settings Modal Icon .flow-icons.settings-icon
WorkFlow Settings Modal Icon .flow-icons.settings-icon
WorkFlow Settings Modal .modal.flow-settings-modal
WorkFlow Settings Modal Header .flow-settings-modal.flow-settings-modal .modal-header
WorkFlow Settings Modal Body .flow-settings-modal.flow-settings-modal .modal-content
WorkFlow Settings Modal Footer .flow-settings-modal.modal-footer
Component Classes
Canvas Footer .designer-view-log
Canvas Footer View Logs Button .logs-closed-section .view-btn
Canvas Footer Info Button .logs-closed-section .footer-btn
Canvas Footer Keyboard Shortcut Button button.keyboard-shortcut-btn
Canvas Footer Version History Button button.version-history-icon
Canvas Footer Zoom In/out Button .designer_options
.designer_options ul
.designer_options ul li
.designer_options ul li span.title-percentage
Versioning Workflow section .versioning-container
.versioning-container .versioning-header
.versioning-container .versioning-content
.versioning-container .versioning-content ul.versioning-list li.versioning-list-detail
Keyboard Shortcut Modal .keyboard-shortcut-modal
.keyboard-shortcut-modal .modal-header
.keyboard-shortcut-modal .modal-content
.keyboard-shortcut-modal .modal-footer
Footer Info Dropdown .dropdown-content#tour-menu
.dropdown-content#tour-menu li
.dropdown-content#tour-menu li a

Actions list panel

Component Classes
Actions List Panel .floating-menu-wrap
Panel Button .floating-menu-wrap .button-collapse
.floating-menu-wrap.expanded .button-collapse .expand-icon
.floating-menu-wrap .button-collapse .open-panel-icon
Actions Search Field .floating-menu-wrap .search-wrap
Input Field .floating-menu-wrap .search-wrap .input-field input[type=“search”]
Search Icon .floating-menu-wrap .search-wrap
Actions Tabs .activity-tab-wrap .tabs
.activity-tab-wrap .tabs li
Tab Active State .activity-tab-wrap .tabs li
Actions Tab Content .activity-tab-wrap
.activity-tab-wrap .tab-content
.activity-tab-wrap .activ-list.showFlowtab
.activity-tab-wrap .activ-list li.action-li-content
Action Drag List .activity-tab-wrap .ui-draggable
Action Icon .activity-tab-wrap .activ-list li a .activity-icon
Action Name .activity-tab-wrap .activ-list li a .truncate
Action List Collapse Down Arrow .activity-tab-wrap span.arrow-icon.dlt-icon-chevron-down
Action List Collapse Up Arrow .activity-tab-wrap span.arrow-icon.dlt-icon-chevron-up
.keyboard-shortcut-modal .modal-content
.keyboard-shortcut-modal .modal-footer

Canvas action

Component Classes
Canvas Action Box .activity-wrapper
.activity-box .action-icon-box
.activity-box .activity-id
Canvas Action Buttons .connector-action:hover .activity-buttons
.activity-buttons span.btns
Canvas Action Connector Circle .svg-connector
Canvas Connector Lines Pop Up Options .condition-popover .popover
.condition-popover .popover .popover-content
.condition-popover .popover .popover-content span
Canvas Action Box Warning Icon .activity-box span.warning
.activity-box span.warning.configuration-error
.activity-box span.warning i
Canvas Action Settings Button .activity-buttons span.btns.settings-icon.icons8
Canvas Action Copy Button .activity-buttons span.btns.icons8-copy
Canvas Action More Option Button .activity-buttons span.btns span.more-menu-icon

Action modal

Component Classes
Action Modal .modal-main-overlay .modal-main-container.dlt-sm-modal
Action Modal Body .modal.flow-activity-settings.dlt-sm-modal .modal-content
Action Modal Form Action List Select Box .flow-activity-settings.modal.modal-fixed-footer .modal-content .action-wizard .select-operation
.flow-activity-settings.modal.modal-fixed-footer .modal-content .action-wizard .select-operation .transformation-modal-select2 .select2-common__control
Action Modal Form Action List Select Box Label .flow-activity-settings.modal.modal-fixed-footer .modal-content .action-wizard .select-operation
Action Modal Form Action List Select Search Field Box .css-1hwfws3
Action Modal Form Action List Select Box Dropdown Icon Section .flow-activity-settings.modal.modal-fixed-footer .modal-content .action-wizard .select-operation .transformation-modal-select2 .select2-common__control .select2-common__indicators
.modal .modal-content .select2-common__control .select2-common__indicators .select2-common__indicator .dlt-icon-caret-down
Action Modal Form Action List Select Box Options .css-26l3qy-menu
Action Modal Form Action Input Box .logged-in .material-custom-input .inputElement
Action Modal Form Auth Select Box .flow-activity-settings.modal.modal-fixed-footer .modal-content .action-wizard .default-modal-main-screen .access-token-select
.flow-activity-settings .access-token-select .form-element .material-custom-select
Add Button .flow-activity-settings .access-token-select .oauth-icon-left .add-plus-button
Add Button Dropdown Options .access-token-select .oauth-icon-left .add-plus-button .add-content
Action Modal Form Look Up Field div.form-section .form-wrapper-detail .field-form-section .form-section-inner .lookup-container.lookup-changes span.text-box-form-wrapper .material-custom-input.input .pretty-input-wrapper
Action Modal Form Look Up Field Input Box div.form-section .form-wrapper-detail .field-form-section .form-section-inner .lookup-container.lookup-changes span.text-box-form-wrapper .material-custom-input.input .pretty-input-wrapper input.inputElement.textbox-edit
Action Modal Form Look Up Field Dropdown Arrow .lookup-container .text-box-form-wrapper .material-custom-input.input.validate.inline-block.lookup-fields .pretty-input-wrapper .look-search-dropdow
Action Modal Form Look Up Field Value Tag div.form-section .form-wrapper-detail .form-elment-tree .form-left-list .lookup-container.lookup-changes .material-custom-input.input.validate.lookup-fields .Select-value-label.chip
Action Modal Form Input Box Field div.form-section .form-wrapper-detail .form-elment-tree .form-left-list .field-wrap .material-custom-input.input .pretty-input-wrapper
Action Modal Form Node Js Block .modal.activity-transformation-modal .modal-content.flow-tranformation-modal-content .transform-content.transform-note-content .transform-ace-editor .node-modal-wrapper
Action Modal Form Field Tool Tip .flow-activity-settings.modal.modal-fixed-footer .modal-content .config-wrap.config-formbuilder-wrapper .right-content .activity-default-builder.activity-modal-content .form-section .form-wrapper-detail .form-elment-tree .field-group-wrap .field-wrap .material-custom-input.input .dlt-icon-info
div.form-section .form-wrapper-detail .form-elment-tree .form-left-list .field-wrap .material-custom-input.input label.pos-abs .bulb-tooltip
Action Modal Info Icon .flow-modal .modal-header .header-inner a.dlt-icon-info
Action Test Tab Menu List .activity-test-container .activity-tab ul.activity-tab-list
.activity-test-container .activity-tab ul.activity-tab-list li.activity-list-view
Action Test Tab Content .activity-test-container .activity-test-tab-container
.activity-test-container .activity-test-data
Action Test Tab Content For Input and Output .activity-test-container .activity-test-data .json-view

Trigger modal

Component Classes
Trigger Modal .trigger-modal.modal-width
Trigger Modal Header .modal.trigger-modal.flow-modal .modal-header
Trigger Modal Body .trigger-modal.modal.modal-fixed-footer .modal-content.overflow-hide
Trigger Modal Footer .trigger-modal.modal.modal-fixed-footer .modal-footer
Trigger Modal Search Box .modal.trigger-modal .search-box-wrapper
Trigger Modal List .trigger-modal.modal.modal-fixed-footer .modal-content .tab-content .triggers-wraper .trigger-list-wrap
Trigger Modal List Item .modal.trigger-modal .trigger-list-updated li
.modal.trigger-modal .trigger-list-updated li .toggle-txt
Trigger Modal List Icon .modal.trigger-modal .trigger-list-updated li .trigger-activity-icon
Trigger Modal Trigger Name .modal.trigger-modal .trigger-list-updated li .trigger-activity-name
Trigger Modal Form Body .trigger-modal.modal.modal-fixed-footer .modal-content
Trigger Modal Trigger Form Field Label .modal.trigger-modal .filter-list .list-content label
Trigger Modal Trigger Label Input Box .modal.trigger-modal .filter-list .list-content .custom-input-field .material-custom-input.input input
Trigger Modal Form Fields Container Box .trigger-form-builder .start-form-builder .form-element
Form Fields Select Dropdown Input Box .modal.trigger-modal .filter-list .list-content .field-group-wrap:not(.with-label) .material-custom-input.input
Form Fields Select Dropdown Select Icon .select-delite-caret
Form Fields Select Dropdown Options>.values
Form Fields Select Dropdown Add Button .modal.trigger-modal .filter-list .list-content .access-token-select .oauth-icon-left .add-plus-button
.access-token-select .oauth-icon-left .add-plus-button a.add-icon
Form Field Input Box .modal.trigger-modal .filter-list .list-content .lookup-container .material-custom-input .pretty-input-wrapper
.modal.trigger-modal .filter-list .list-content .field-group-wrap .material-custom-input.input .pretty-input-wrapper input.inputElement.textbox-edit
Trigger Modal Info Icon .modal.trigger-modal.flow-modal .modal-header .help-btn .dlt-icon-info

Workflow settings modal

Component Classes
Workflow Settings Modal .flow-modal.with-head-only.flow-settings-modal.flow-settings-new-modal
Workflow Settings Modal Body .flow-modal.with-head-only.flow-settings-modal .modal-content.flow-settings
Workflow Settings Modal Add Param Button .flow-settings-modal.flow-settings-modal .modal-content.flow-settings .inner-wrap .parameters-section .parameter-header .parameter-button
.flow-settings-modal.flow-settings-modal .modal-content.flow-settings .inner-wrap .parameters-section .parameter-header .parameter-button a.primary-btn
Workflow Settings Modal Param Input Box #add_parameter .modal-content .custom-input-field .add-activity.material-custom-input .text-form-box .inputElement

Log console panel

Component Classes
Wokflow Log Console Panel Wrapper .designer-view-log.debugger-height
.flow-console-panel .flow-console-panel-container
Wokflow Log Console Panel Header .flow-console-panel .flow-console-panel-container .flow-console-wrapper .flow-console-bread-crumb-wrapper
Workflow Log Console Panel Container .flow-console-panel .flow-console-panel-container .flow-console-wrapper .flow-execution-workflow-container .flow-execution-inner-wrapper
Workflow Log Console Panel Close Button .flow-console-panel .flow-console-panel-container .flow-console-wrapper .flow-console-bread-crumb-wrapper .flow-console-bread-crumb-content ul.list-bread-crumb li.close-button a.double-down-close
Workflow Log Console Panel Pagination .flow-history-pagination
Workflow Log Console Panel Export Button .flow-console-panel .flow-console-panel-container .flow-console-wrapper .flow-execution-workflow-container .flow-execution-inner-wrapper .single-workflow-execution .single-workflow-execution-row .single-workflow-execution-col span.single-workflow-title a.export-log-btn

Workflow versioning panel

Component Classes
Workflow Versioning Panel Container .versioning-container
Workflow Versioning Panel Header .versioning-container .versioning-header
Workflow Versioning Panel Body .versioning-container .versioning-content
Workflow Versioning Panel Content Date Section .versioning-container .versioning-content ul.versioning-list span.format-date-title
Workflow Versioning Panel Content List .versioning-container .versioning-content ul.versioning-list li.versioning-list-detail a.versioning-list-view
Workflow Versioning Panel Content List Hover .versioning-container .versioning-content ul.versioning-list li.versioning-list-detail a.versioning-list-view:hover
Workflow Versioning List Edit Button .versioning-container .versioning-content ul.versioning-list li.versioning-list-detail a.versioning-list-view span.versioning-edit .dlt-icon-edit
Workflow Versioning List Delete Button .versioning-container .versioning-content ul.versioning-list li.versioning-list-detail a.versioning-list-view span.versioning-delete .dlt-icon-delete
Workflow Versioning Panel Content List Current Version Tag .versioning-container .versioning-content ul.versioning-list li.versioning-list-detail a.versioning-list-view span.versioning-user-name.tag-current-version
Workflow Versioning Panel Component Close Button .versioning-container .versioning-header span.cancel-btn