
Learn how to configure the settings for your Embed tenant and its embedded application.

On the Settings screen, you can see the various configuration options which enable you to create and manage plans, users, connectors, bots, and admin settings for your Embed Admin portal.


The Plans tab lets you create custom plans for your application users. There are two types of plans:

  1. Individual: The Individual plan lets you define the total number of transactions an individual user can execute. This plan can then be assigned to one or more users.

    For example, suppose a user plan ‘Plan 1’ has a transaction limit of 100 transactions. When you assign this plan to user A and user B, they both can execute up to 100 transactions each.

    Using Plans tab, you can create multiple Individual plans.

  2. Group: A Group plan can contain one or more users. The ‘Group’ plan lets you define the total number of transactions that can be executed by a number of users belonging to the same group.

    For example, suppose a Group plan, ‘Plan 2’ has a transaction limit of 200 transactions. When you assign this plan to 5 users, all of them can jointly execute up to 200 transactions.

    Moreover, all users added under the same group plan can access each other’s assets (integrations, connections, etc.) in the embedded application.

    Using Plans tab you can create multiple Group plans.

Adding new plans

To add a new plan, perform the following steps:

  1. Click on the Add Plan button at the top-right corner of the Plans screen.

    A new window appears.

  2. Provide the details for a new plan.

    Name: Provide a unique name for the plan.

    Plan Code: Provide a unique ID for the plan.

    Plan Type: Select the type of plan (‘individual’ or ‘group’) you want to create.

    If you select individual, you need to also specify if you want to set this plan as the default plan for all users, in the Default Type field.

    Transactions: Specify the transaction limit for this plan.

    Note: The transactions allocated to a plan cannot exceed the total transaction limit of your Embed tenant. For example, let’s say your Embed tenant has a transaction limit of 1000 transactions. When you create a new plan under this tenant, the transactions allocated to the plan cannot exceed 1000 transactions.

    Limitation Type: Select the limitation type you want to associate with the plan.

    • If you set Solutions as the limitation type, you need to select the solution(s) you want to make available under this plan in the Solutions field that appears.
    • If you set Solution Tags as the limitation type, you need to select the solution tag(s) in the Solution Tags field that appears. When you do this, all the solutions associated with the selected solution tag(s) are made available under this plan.
    • If you select Connectors as the limitation type, you need to select the connector(s) you want to make available under this plan in the Connectors field that appears.

    Once you have entered these details, click Add. This creates the specified plan.

Editing or deleting plans

You can also edit or delete an existing plan. To do so, navigate to Settings > Plans.

You can see a list of existing plans associated with your application, along with the following details:

Click on the Edit or Delete options to modify or delete the plan from Embed Admin.


You can add, view, and manage users of your application using the Users tab. To do so, navigate to Settings > Users.

Adding new users

To add a new user, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Add User button located at the top-right corner of the Users screen.

    The Add Embed User window appears on screen.

  2. Provide the required details to add a new user.

    Email ID: Enter the email ID of the user you want to add.

    Plan Type: Select the type of plan (individual/group) you want to assign to the user.

    Plan: Select the plan you want to assign to the user.

  3. Click on Add button.

This adds the user to the list of Embed users. Now when you navigate to the Users screen, you see the following details associated with the added user.

Note: Users under the same group plan can access each other’s instances on the embedded application. Therefore, the Instances field for such users is displays the total number of instances available under the particular user’s group. For example, let’s say that User A and User B are added under the Demo group plan. User A has created 3 instances and User B has created 4 instances in the embedded application. In this scenario, on the Users screen, the Instances field shows 7 instances for User A and 7 instances for user B.

Updating user plans

You can also update the plan assigned to a user at any time. To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. Click on the Users tab listed under the Settings menu.

    You can see a list of all users of your application.

  2. Locate the user whose plan you want to change and click on the Edit icon listed against the user’s name.

    The Edit User Details window appears on screen.

  3. Select the plan you want to assign to the user from the Change User Plan drop-down list and click Save.

This changes the user’s current plan.

Managing user instances

You can also manage the instances associated with a particular user through the Users screen. To do so, click on the user email ID.

This redirects you to a new screen where you can see the details such as user instances, their versions, status (active/inactive), and controls to perform operations on the instance.

Note: You can also see three tabs namely, Accounts, Authorizations, and Execution Statistics on this screen. More information about these three tabs is given later in this section.

Apart from this, you can also perform below operations on the user instance by clicking the relevant icons:


Some connectors use connections for creating application accounts. These accounts are then used to perform actions in their associated applications on users’ behalf.

The Accounts tab lists all such connector accounts that are created by the selected user. To view the user accounts, click the Accounts tab.

This takes you to the Accounts screen.


Some connectors use OAuth for creating application authorizations. These authorizations are then used to perform actions in their associated applications on users’ behalf.

The Authorizations tab lists all such connector authorizations that are created by the selected user. To view the user authorizations, click the Authorizations tab.

This takes you the Authorizations screen.

Execution Statistics

This tab lets you view the execution statistics associated with the selected user (up to one month). To view user’s execution statistics, click the Execution Statistic tab.

This takes you the Execution Statistics screen.

You can use the date and time picker on the right-hand corner to set a custom time range and retrieve specific records.


To run user integrations, your application needs certain permissions from users to access and perform operations in their relevant third-party service accounts. This is achieved with the help of OAuth.

The OAuth menu lets you create OAuths for services supported by Embed. Once created, they become available for your application. These OAuth screens are then displayed to the users whenever they try to create a default authorization for a relevant service.

For example, let’s say your application has a Dropbox integration for which you have created a Dropbox OAuth in the admin portal. Now, whenever a user tries to create a default Dropbox authorization in your application, they are displayed the Dropbox OAuth screen containing the list of permissions required to execute the integration. The user can either grant these permissions to create a default authorization or cancel the default authorization creation process.

To create or view OAuths, navigate to Settings > OAuth screen.

You can see the list of service OAuths associated with your application, along with the following details:

Adding a new OAuth

You can create a new OAuth for a third-party service supported by Embed. To create a new OAuth, perform the following steps:

  1. click on the Add OAuth button at the top-right corner of the OAuth page. The Add New OAuth window appears.

  2. Select the service for which you want to create an OAuth in the OAuth Name field.

    Note: You can create only one OAuth for per service. Once you create an OAuth for a service, its name is removed from the OAuth Name drop-down list.

  3. On selecting the service name, three additional fields appear in the form.

  4. Provide values for the fields.

    Client ID: Enter the client ID associated with your third-party service app.

    Client Secret: Enter the client secret associated with your third-party service app.

    Redirect URI: Copy and then paste this URL in your third-party service app.

  5. click Done.
This creates an OAuth for the specified service in your Embed Admin account.

Viewing or deleting OAuth

You can also view and delete an existing OAuth for a particular third-party service.

To view an existing OAuth, click the View icon listed under Actions.
To delete an existing OAuth, click the Delete icon listed under Actions. After you do this, you are prompted to confirm the delete action. Click Delete. This deletes the OAuth from your website/application.

Refreshing OAuth

You can add the OAuth associated with a custom connector that is built using the Connector Builder in your tenant.

To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. Ensure that the custom connector for which you want to add the OAuth is properly deployed to your tenant.
  2. Navigate to Settings > OAuth screen and click the Refresh OAuth button.
  3. Confirm the refresh action in the prompt that appears.

    This refreshes the list of supported OAuth connectors.

  4. Click on Add OAuth button.

    In the Add New OAuth screen that appears, you can find the newly deployed custom connector under the OAuth Name field. Add OAuth for this connector as you would normally do.

Developer Tools

This option lets you configure important settings of your partner integration account, add custom CSS to your Embed application website, and download the code for embedded application provided by Embed to get started with custom site development quickly.

Site URL: Site URL of your Embed application.

Runflow URL: Runflow URL associated with your application/website.

Custom OAuth URL: Custom OAuth URL associated with your application/website.

Custom Trigger URL: Custom Trigger URL associated with your application/website.

Domain: Enter the domain name of your Embed application.

API Key: Copy the API key to be used inside the login function of the SDK. Click on Re-Generate API Key to regenerate the API key.

Source Verification Token: Copy the Source Verification Token to be used inside the init function of the SDK to verify the source. Click Re-Generate Source Token to regenerate the source verification token.

Master Token: Copy the master token to be used inside the init function of the SDK. Click Re-Generate Master Token to regenerate the master token.

Public APIs Key: To invoke our public APIs, pass ‘public_apis_key’ as key and value of this field as value in the headers of your API request. Click Re-Generate Public APIs Key to regenerate the master token.

Identifier: Copy the unique identifier to be used inside the init function of the SDK.

Whitelisted IP Addresses: Enter a list of IP addresses to allow their respective systems to make requests to your Embed tenant. Any incoming request from a non-whitelisted IP address is blocked immediately. If you keep this field blank, incoming requests from all IP addresses are allowed.

Absolute Session Timeout (Hours): Specify the duration (in hours) after which the session must time out.

Idle Session Timeout (Hours): Specify the duration (in hours) during which if user doesn’t perform any activity, the session must time out.

JWT Validity (Seconds): Specify the duration (in seconds) after which the JWT token must expire.

Allow OAuth Popup: Select this checkbox if you want to OAuth creation to take place through a pop-up window.

Custom CSS: Enter the custom CSS code in the given block and click ‘Add’. This automatically applies the specified CSS onto your Embed application website.

SDK URL: Copy the SDK URL for the embedded application provided by Embed.

Download Code for Demo Site: Download the code for embedded application provided by Embed, which you can further modify to build your custom site quickly.

Solution Icon CSS: Copy the URL for the the solution icon CSS file and paste it in the browser of your choice to view it.

Public APIs Usage Embed provides a set of APIs that you can consume to manage your tenant users, consumer plans, notification alerts, and solutions.

Note: For public APIs, Embed now supports two domains:

  • Existing
  • New domain:
Users are recommended to switch to the new domain for better response time, faster request processing, and new updates.

The old domain will continue to work as before.

Consuming Public APIs

Perform the following steps to consume the API of your choice:

Step 1: Open an application of your choice that can make API requests.

Step 2: In the request URL field, enter the URL of the tenant to which you want to make API requests.

Step 3: Access the Public APIs.

Step 4: Click API resources and select the API request you what to consume.

Step 5: Copy the relevant HTTP method and the request URL details for the selected API request from the developer portal.

Step 6: Set the HTTP method and append the relevant request URL details in the request URL field in the application UI.

Step 7: Pass the public API key for your tenant in the API request header.

Key - public_apis_key Value - Navigate to Embed Admin Portal > Settings > Developer Tools. Copy the value of Public APIs Key field and paste it in the application UI as the value for ‘public_apis_key’ key.

Step 8: Click Send.

With this, the response of the API request is displayed in the application UI.

Viewing usage statistics

You can view the usage statistics of the public APIs provided by Embed. To do so, navigate to Settings > Public APIs Usage.

API: API endpoint

Method: The HTTP method associated with the API.

Status: The status of the API execution request.

Invoked at: The date and time at which the API was invoked.

Actions: Contains the list of following action controls for the API:

Solution Templates

All the connectors associated with your embedded application are listed on the Solution Templates page. From here, you can add/update the connector metadata and description.

To do so, login to your Embed tenant, Click Settings, and select the Solution Templates menu.

To view the details associated with a specific connector, click on the View icon placed against the solution template name.

Connector Name: Display name of the connector on your embedded application.

Description: Description associated with the connector.

Metadata: The metadata associated with the connector.

Solution Count: Number of solutions associated with the connector

Managing Solution Templates

To modify the details associated with a specific connector, click the Edit icon placed against the name of the connector.

Connector Name (uneditable): Display name of the connector on your embedded application.

Description: Provide a description for the connector.

Metadata: Provide the metadata for the connector.

Solution Count (uneditable): Number of solutions associated with the connector.

After adding relevant details, click Save.

Blocked Webhook URLs

You can enable access control mechanism for your tenant by defining which webhook URLS can send requests to it.

Note: The webhook URL must belong to a workflow created in the application website conntected to the same tenant environment in which you want to block URL.

Perform the following steps to block a webhook URL:

To block a webhook URL, navigate to Settings > Blocked URLs tab.

Blocking Webhook URLs

To block a specific webhook URL, perform the following steps:

  1. Click on Add URL button.

  2. In the screen that appears, specify the following details:

    • Method: Select the method associated with the URL you want to block. Available options are: POST, GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, ALL
    • Webhook URL: Enter the webhook URL you want to block. This webhook URL must belong to the same environment of the same tenant in which you want to block a webhook URL.

  3. Click the Add button.