Release 11.0.0

Explore the release highlights and usage notes for Developer Portal 11.0.0

11.1 Release Highlights

What’s New in 11.1 (Preview)

New Item Description
Consumer visibility configuration Administrators can now protect the identity of consumers by restricting the visibility of consumers among themselves.
Support to configure API Control Plane Administrators can now connect Developer Portal to API Control Plane to visualize Developer Portal assets through API Control Plane. When configured, the corresponding Developer Portal instance is added as a runtime in API Control Plane. Users from API Control Plane can view the health and APIs created in Developer Portal (added as a runtime).

What's New in 11.0

What’s New

New Item Description
Ability to host beta programs and hackathons Developer Portal now supports hosting beta programs and hackathons.

webMethods Engage, which was a separate product is now merged with webMethods Developer Portal.
Provider isolation for managing APIs and packages A new privilege called Partner is introduced.

Partners can publish their APIs and manage those APIs that are only part of their own community. The partners cannot view the APIs that are in communities they are not members of.
Invite user functionality Administrators, API providers, and partners can now invite users by e-mail. Users who receive the invitation mail can sign up to Developer Portal by clicking the link provided in the mail.
Support for client Software Development Kit (SDK) download Users can view and copy the sample code snippets for the required REST API resources; and download client SDK for the required REST API. Developer Portal provides multiple language support to allow you to view code or download SDK in your preferred language.
Payment gateway support Support for direct monetization of APIs by including options to configure your Stripe payment gateway account.
Pending approval page enhancements The Pending approvals page is enhanced to display the following details of each request:

  • the API or package name,
  • the request type, and
  • the details of user who raised the request.
Users and applications onboarding notifications When users sign up to Developer Portal or raise an application request, they receive notifications stating reasons for the approval or rejection.
Locale configuration support An option to configure a default language for your Developer Portal is made available to administrators.

As a part of the feature, you can add a language switcher icon in the UI to allow users to select a language, in which they prefer to view the application. Developer Portal appears in the selected language whenever they sign in.
Restricted asset visibility to consumers based on communities You can restrict the visibility of assets for consumer users based on their communities.

That is, when a consumer searches for other consumers to share an application or package subscription, or during team creation they can view only the consumer users who belong to their communities.

Customer Actions Required

This section contains actions that you must perform before using Developer Portal.

Usage Notes

This section provides any additional information that you need, to work with Developer Portal.