Administration APIs


The headless architecture feature of Developer Portal equips you with the APIs that you would require to build an application with the Developer Portal functionality.

The REST APIs allow you to perform all functions that you can accomplish through the application’s user interface.

Authentication to use Developer Portal REST APIs

The authentication method applicable for the Developer Portal REST APIs is HTTP Basic authentication.

Access privileges based authorization

The availability of API resources is based on the user privilege. Typically, users who have the API Administrator privilege have access to all APIs, whereas, the users who have any of the API Provider and API Consumer privileges have limited access of API resources.

REST APIs URI format

Developer Portal allows you to access the API resources using URI paths. The REST call URI must be specified with the required method in the format shown below:

Possible response messages

The following table lists the possible response messages and what they indicate:

Response message Description
200 - OK Indicates the request sent and response received successfully.
201 - Created Indicates that the request is fulfilled, resulting in the creation of a new resource.
400 - Bad request Indicates that a parameter is missing in the request due to which it could not be processed.
401 - Unauthorized Indicates authorization problem.
403 - Forbidden Indicates that there is no permission to the requested resource.
404 - Not found Indicates that the requested resource does not exist.
500 - Internal server error Indicates that an unexpected condition is encountered and no more specific message is suitable.

List of APIs

The REST APIs allow you to perform the following:

  • Viewing analytics.
  • Managing APIs.
  • Managing applications.
  • Managing approvals.
  • Managing backup and restore.
  • Managing comments.
  • Managing communities
  • Managing configurations.
  • Viewing Developer Portal audit events.
  • Viewing Developer Portal health.
  • Managing notifications.
  • Getting OAuth token.
  • Managing packages.
  • Managing plans.
  • Managing providers.
  • Performing search.
  • Managing teams.
  • Managing topics.
  • Managing application and subscription requests.
  • Managing users.
  • Managing webhooks.
  • Viewing analytics


    The Analytics API is used to view the performance analytics of APIs and applications in the system. This API provides detailed information on the trends, top hits, usage based on the filters applied. There are variety of feeds and each is responsible for providing the aforesaid specific information.

    List of resources

    Managing APIs


    Developer Portal provides the capability to retrieve and manage all its APIs. You can use the resources of the API to update or retrieve the API details such as the associated applications, versions, topics, communities and so on.

    List of resources

    Managing applications


    This REST API is used to create applications, retrieve application information, share applications with require users or teams, and delete the existing applications using a REST API.

    List of resources

    Managing approvals


    This REST API is used to retrieve details of approval processes that are used to onboard a user, application, or subscription. You can also retrieve, approve, or reject the user or application onboarding requests.

    List of resources

    Managing backup and restore


    This REST API is used to perform data backup and restore.

    List of resources

    Managing comments


    This REST API is used to add, retrieve, upvote or downvote, and delete comments under a topic.

    List of resources

    Managing communities


    This REST API is used to add, view, update, or delete communities and their details.

    List of resources

    Managing configurations


    This REST API is administerDeveloper Portal settings such as SAML, LDAP, OAuth, user account settings, email notification templates and so on.

    List of resources

    Viewing Developer Portal audit events


    This REST API is used to view the following events:

    List of resources

    Sample cURL Command

    curl --location --request GET 'developer_portal_rest_base/events' \
    --header 'Authorization: Basic basic_auth'

    Viewing Developer Portal health


    This REST API is used to view the Developer Portal health, build, and metrics.

    List of resources

    Managing notifications


    This REST API is used to view, update, and delete notification preferences of the current user.

    List of resources

    Getting OAuth token


    This REST API is used to request access token and to receive authorization code for invoking APIs.

    List of resources

    Managing packages


    This REST API is used to manage packages. You can view, add, edit, and delete packages. You can also add, update, and delete the APIs and Plans associated with packages.

    List of resources

    Managing plans


    This REST API is used to manage plans. You can view, add, update, and delete the required plans.

    List of resources

    Managing providers


    This REST API is used to manage providers. You can view, add, update, and delete providers. You can also view, update and delete the APIs and packages associated with providers.

    List of resources

    Managing teams


    This REST API is used to manage teams. You can view, add, update, and delete the required teams. You can also view, update, and delete the users associated with the team.

    List of resources

    Managing topics


    This REST API is used to manage topics. You can add topics for required APIs and packages. You can also upvote, downvote, flag, or bookmark a topic.

    List of resources

    Managing application and subscription requests


    This REST API is used to manage application and subscription requests. You can view and retry application and subscription requests.

    List of resources

    Managing users


    This REST API is used to manage users and user groups. You can view, add, update, and delete users and their details.

    List of resources

    Managing webhooks


    This REST API is used to manage webhooks. You can view, add, update, and delete webhooks.

    List of resources