Authentication to use Developer Portal REST APIsAccess privileges based authorizationREST APIs URI formatPossible response messagesList of APIsThe headless architecture feature of Developer Portal equips you with the APIs that you would require to build an application with the Developer Portal functionality.
The REST APIs allow you to perform all functions that you can accomplish through the application’s user interface.
Authentication to use Developer Portal REST APIs
The authentication method applicable for the Developer Portal REST APIs is HTTP Basic authentication.
Access privileges based authorization
The availability of API resources is based on the user privilege. Typically, users who have the API Administrator privilege have access to all APIs, whereas, the users who have any of the API Provider and API Consumer privileges have limited access of API resources.
REST APIs URI format
Developer Portal allows you to access the API resources using URI paths. The REST call URI must be specified with the required method in the format shown below:
Possible response messages
The following table lists the possible response messages and what they indicate:
Response message | Description |
200 - OK | Indicates the request sent and response received successfully. |
201 - Created | Indicates that the request is fulfilled, resulting in the creation of a new resource. |
400 - Bad request | Indicates that a parameter is missing in the request due to which it could not be processed. |
401 - Unauthorized | Indicates authorization problem. |
403 - Forbidden | Indicates that there is no permission to the requested resource. |
404 - Not found | Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. |
500 - Internal server error | Indicates that an unexpected condition is encountered and no more specific message is suitable. |
List of APIs
The REST APIs allow you to perform the following:
Viewing analytics
OverviewList of resourcesSample cURL CommandOverview
The Analytics API is used to view the performance analytics of APIs and applications in the system. This API provides detailed information on the trends, top hits, usage based on the filters applied. There are variety of feeds and each is responsible for providing the aforesaid specific information.
List of resources
- POST /analytics/{id} Retrieves the analytic insights for the given feed Id and matching filter criteria. Possible values are:
- POST /analytics/ACCESS_LOGS Retrieves the access logs for the matching filter criteria.
Value | Description |
TRANSACTION_SUMMARY_FEED | Retrieves the summary of all transactions. |
API_ACCESS_TREND_FEED | Retrieves the API access trend. |
APP_ACCESS_TREND_FEED | Retrieves the application access trend. |
API_RESPONSE_TIME_TREND_FEED | Retrieves the API response time trend. |
TOP_API_HITS_BY_ACCESS_FEED | Retrieves the list of top APIs based on the number of hits. |
TOP_API_BY_FOLLOWERS_FEED | Retrieves the list of top APIs based on the number of followers. |
TOP_RESOURCE_HITS_BY_ACCESS_FEED | Retrieves the list of top resources based on the number of hits. |
TOP_STATUSCODE_HITS_BY_ACCESS_FEED | Retrieves the list of top status codes based on the number of hits. |
TOP_APP_HITS_BY_ACCESS_FEED | Retrieves the list of top applications based on the number of hits. |
APP_DISTRIBUTION_IN_API_FEED | Retrieves the app distribution data from APIs. |
API_DISTRIBUTION_IN_APP_FEED | Retrieves the API distribution data from applications. |
SIGN_UP_TREND_FEED | Retrieves the user sign up trend. |
LOGIN_TREND_FEED | Retrieves the sign in trend. |
ACCESS_LOGS | Retrieves access logs. |
TOP_APP_TYPE_HITS_BY_ACCESS_FEED | Retrieves the list of application types based on the number of hits. |
USER_SIGNUP_SUMMARY_FEED | Retrieves the user sign up summary. |
USER_LOGIN_SUMMARY_FEED | Retrieves the user sign in summary. |
TOP_CONSUMER_LOGINS | Retrieves the list of top consumer sign ins. |
TOTAL_USER_SIGNUP_AND_DELETE_FEED | Retrieves the total number sign ups and deletes. |
Sample cURL Command
curl --location --request POST 'developer_portal_rest_base/analytics/TRANSACTION_SUMMARY_FEED' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic basic_auth' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
Managing APIs
OverviewList of resourcesSample cURL CommandOverview
Developer Portal provides the capability to retrieve and manage all its APIs. You can use the resources of the API to update or retrieve the API details such as the associated applications, versions, topics, communities and so on.
List of resources
- GET /apis Retrieves the list of APIs in Developer Portal.
- POST /apis Publishes an API to Developer Portal.
- GET /apis/_count Retrieves the count of APIs in Developer Portal.
- GET apis/available Retrieves the list of APIs that are not mapped with any provider.
- GET /apis/filter Retrieves the possible filter criteria of the given Id.
- GET /apis/{id} Retrieves API based on the given Id.
- PUT /apis/{id} Updates API based on the given Id
- DELETE /apis/{id} Unpublishes API based on the given Id.
- GET /apis/{id}/communities Retrieves the list of communities associated with the given Id.
- GET /apis/{id}/topic Retrieves the list of topics for the given Id.
- GET /apis/{id}/applications Retrieves the list of applications associated with the given Id.
- GET /apis/{id}/subscriptions Retrieves the list of subscriptions mapped with the given Id.
- GET /apis/{id}/versions Retrieves the versions of the API.
- GET /apis/{id}/stages Retrieves the stages of the API.
- GET /apis/{id}/followers Retrieves the list of followers of the given Id.
- PUT /apis/{id}/followers Subscribes or unsubscribes to receive the updates of the given Id.
- GET /apis/{id}/packages Retrieves the list of packages associated with the given Id.
- GET /apis/{id}/groups Retrieves the list of groups associated with the given Id.
- GET /apis/{id}/applications/available Retrieves the list of applications that can be associated with the given Id.
- PUT /apis/{id}/rate Allows to provide a rating for the given Id.
- GET /apis/{id}/rate Retrieves the rating of the given Id.
- GET /apis/{id}/followers/_count Retrieves the number of followers for the given Id.
- GET /apis/{id}/bookmarks Retrives the list of topics of the given Id that are saved as bookmarks.
- POST /apis/{id}/try Allows to test the given Id.
- POST /apis/{id}/fileTypeTry Allows to test the multipart or binary type resources of the given Id.
- GET /apis/{id}/try/history Retrieves the details of tests performed for the given Id.
- GET /apis/status/{referenceId} Retrieves the published status of an API based on the given reference Id.
- POST /apis/search Searches for an API based on the given search criteria.
- GET /apis/{id}/try/history Retrieves the details of tests performed for the given Id.
- GET /apis/{id}/export Exports the given Id.
- PUT /apis/{id}/preferences Updates the view preference of the given Id.
- PUT /apis/{id}/edits Allows to edit the details of the given Id and its resources.
- PUT /apis/{id}/logo Allows to update the logo of the given Id.
- PUT /apis/{id}/attachments Allows to update the attachments of the given Id.
Sample cURL Command
curl --location --request GET 'developer_portal_rest_base/apis' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic basic_auth'
Managing applications
OverviewList of resourcesSample cURL CommandOverview
This REST API is used to create applications, retrieve application information, share applications with require users or teams, and delete the existing applications using a REST API.
List of resources
- GET /applications Retrieves the list of applications in Developer Portal for the current user.
- POST /applications Creates an application with the given data.
- GET /applications/{id} Retrieves the application associated with the given Id.
- PUT /applications/{id} Updates the application associated with the given Id.
- DELETE /applications/{id} Deletes the application associated with the given Id.
- PUT /applications/{id}/share Allows to share the specified application with a user or team.
- DELETE /applications/{id}/share Allows to revoke the access of the specified application.
- GET /applications/_all Retrieves the list of applications in Developer Portal irrespective of the users associated with them.
- GET /applications/{id}/requests Retrieves the users requests received for the specified application.
- GET /applications/{id}/tokens Retrieves the list of specified tokens generated for the specified application.
- DELETE /applications/{id}/tokens/{tokenId} Deletes the specified tokens generated for the specified application.
- GET /applications/{id}/scopes Retrieves the list of scopes mapped with the specified application.
Sample cURL Command
curl --location --request GET 'developer_portal_rest_base/applications' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic basic_auth'
Managing approvals
OverviewList of resourcesSample cURL CommandOverview
This REST API is used to retrieve details of approval processes that are used to onboard a user, application, or subscription. You can also retrieve, approve, or reject the user or application onboarding requests.
List of resources
- GET /approvals Retrieves the list of configured approval workflows in Developer Portal.
- POST /approvals Creates a new approval workflow with the given details.
- GET /approvals/{id} Retrieves the specified approval.
- PUT /approvals/{id} Updates the specified approval workflow with the given details.
- DELETE /approvals/{id} Deletes the specified approval workflow.
- GET /approvals/policy Retrieves the approval workflow policy assigned to onboarding process.
- PUT /approvals/policy Assign an approval workflow policy to onboarding process.
- GET /approvals/request Retrieves the list of pending approval requests.
- GET /approvals/request/{id} Retrieves the specified pending approval request.
- PUT /approvals/request/{id}/approve Approves the specified approval request.
- PUT /approvals/request/external/{id}/approve Approves the specified external approval request.
- PUT /approvals/request/approve Approves the set of specified pending approval requests.
- PUT /approvals/request/{id}/reject Rejects the specified approval request.
- PUT /approvals/request/external/{id}/reject Rejects the specified external approval request.
- PUT /approvals/request/reject Rejects the set of specified pending approval requests.
- GET /approvals/instance Retrieves the list of approval request details by their status.
- PUT /approvals/instance/step/{id}/request Retrieves the approval request associated with the given Id.
- GET /approvals/instance/step/{id}/trace Retrieves the approval request trace logs of the given approval Id.
- PUT /approvals/instance/step/{id}/logs Retrieves the approval request logs for the given Id.
Sample cURL Command
curl --location --request GET 'developer_portal_rest_base/approvals' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic basic_auth'
Managing backup and restore
OverviewList of resourcesSample cURL CommandOverview
This REST API is used to perform data backup and restore.
List of resources
- POST /data/backup Creates a backup of the specified modules.
- POST /data/restore Restores the specified modules in the specified data file.
- GET /data/status/{handle}/backup Downloads the specified backup file.
- GET /data/status/{handle} Retrieves the download status of the specified backup file.
Sample cURL Command
curl --location --request POST 'developer_portal_rest_base/data/backup/' \
--header 'xsrf-token: VbOuuiSA6K8YNWvN2D8Dl-I9sUU9GVM8bFZBMjVScFo' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic basic_auth' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"modules": ["User","Collaboration","Theme","Core"]
Managing comments
OverviewList of resourcesSample cURL CommandOverview
This REST API is used to add, retrieve, upvote or downvote, and delete comments under a topic.
List of resources
- GET /topics/{id}/comments Retrieves the list of comments for the given topic.
- POST /topics/{id}/comments Creates a comment under the given topic.
- GET /topics/{topicId}/comments/{id} Retrieves the details of a specified comment under the given topic.
- PUT /topics/{topicId}/comments/{id} Updates the specified comment under the given topic.
- DELETE /topics/{topicId}/comments/{id} Deletes the specified comment under the given topic.
- PUT /topics/{topicId}/comments/{id}/upvote Upvotes the specified comment under the given topic.
- PUT /topics/{topicId}/comments/{id}/downvote Downvotes the specified comment under the given topic.
- PUT /topics/{topicId}/comments/{id}/flag Adds a flag to the specified comment under the given topic.
Sample cURL Command
curl --location --request
GET 'developer_portal_rest_base/topics/topic_Id/comments' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic basic_auth' \
Managing communities
OverviewList of resourcesSample cURL CommandOverview
This REST API is used to add, view, update, or delete communities and their details.
List of resources
- GET /communities Retrieves the list of communities in Developer Portal.
- POST /communities Creates a new community with the given details.
- GET /communities/{id} Retrieves the details of the specified community.
- PUT /communities/{id} Updates the specified community.
- DELETE /communities/{id} Deletes the specified community.
- GET /communities/{id}/apis Retrieves the list of APIs associated with the specified community.
- PUT /communities/{id}/apis Add the given APIs to the specified community.
- DELETE /communities/{id}/apis Delete the given APIs from the specified community.
- GET /communities/{id}/users Retrieves the list of users associated with the specified community.
- PUT /communities/{id}/users Add the given users to the specified community.
- DELETE /communities/{id}/users Delete the given users from the specified community.
- GET /communities/{id}/groups Retrieves the list of user groups associated with the specified community.
- PUT /communities/{id}/groups Add the given user groups to the specified community.
- DELETE /communities/{id}/groups Delete the given user groups from the specified community.
- PUT /communities/{id}/owner Update the owner of the specified community.
- GET /communities/{id}/packages Retrieves the list of packages associated with the specified community.
- PUT /communities/{id}/packages Add the given packages to the specified community.
- DELETE /communities/{id}/packages Delete the given packages from the specified community.
- GET /communities/{id}/ispublic Allows you to verify whether the specified community is a public community.
- GET /communities/{id}/administrators Retrieves the list of administrators of the specified community.
- PUT /communities/{id}/packages Add the given administrators to the specified community.
Sample cURL Command
curl --location --request GET 'developer_portal_rest_base/communities/' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic basic_auth'
Managing configurations
OverviewList of resourcesSample cURL CommandOverview
This REST API is administerDeveloper Portal settings such as SAML, LDAP, OAuth, user account settings, email notification templates and so on.
List of resources
- GET /configurations/smtp Retrieves the SMTP email server configuration.
- PUT /configurations/smtp Updates the SMTP email server configuration with the given details.
- DELETE /configurations/smtp Deletes the SMTP email server configuration.
- GET /configurations/password_policy Retrieves the password policy settings.
- PUT /configurations/password_policy Updates the SMTP password policy settings with the given details.
- DELETE /configurations/password_policy Resets the password policy settings to default.
- GET /configurations/saml Retrieves the SAML settings.
- PUT /configurations/saml Updates the SAML settings with the given details.
- DELETE /configurations/saml Resets the SAML settings to default.
- GET /configurations/mfa Retrieves the multi-factor authentication settings.
- PUT /configurations/mfa Updates the multi-factor authentication settings with the given details.
- DELETE /configurations/mfa Resets the multi-factor authentication settings to default.
- GET /configurations/oauth/{id} Retrieves the specified OAuth provider configuration.
- GET /configurations/oauth Retrieves the OAuth configuration settings.
- PUT /configurations/oauth Updates the OAuth configuration settings with the given details.
- DELETE /configurations/oauth Resets the OAuth configuration settings to default.
- GET /configurations/ldap_connection/{id} Retrieves the specified LDAP configuration settings.
- PUT /configurations/ldap_connection Updates the LDAP configuration settings with the given details.
- DELETE /configurations/ldap_connection Deletes the LDAP configuration settings.
- GET /configurations/ldap_settings Retrieves the LDAP configuration settings.
- PUT /configurations/ldap_settings Updates the LDAP configuration settings with the given details.
- DELETE /configurations/ldap_settings Deletes the LDAP configuration settings.
- POST /configurations Creates a configuration payload with the given details.
- GET /configurations/{category} Retrieves the configurations payload for the specified category.
- POST /configurations/{category} Updates the specified configurations payload with the given details.
- DELETE /configurations/{category} Deletes the specified configurations payload.
- GET /configurations/email-templates Retrieves the list email notifications templates.
- GET /configurations/email-templates/{templateId} Retrieves the specified email notifications template.
- PUT /configurations/email-templates/{templateId} Updates the specified email notifications template with the given details.
Sample cURL Command
curl --location --request GET 'developer_portal_rest_base/configurations/smtp' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic basic_auth'
Viewing Developer Portal audit events
OverviewList of resourcesSample cURL CommandOverview
This REST API is used to view the following events:
Audit events. Events that involve the lifecycle of an API, Application, Packages, Plans, Community, Provider, Topic, Comment and monitor the subscriptions per package, access token requests per API, Developer Portal system usage and so on.
User events. Events that are created based on your settings on the Advanced tab of the Security screen. For the list of log events that you can configure, see How do I configure advanced security settings?
List of resources
GET /events
Retrieves the list of events based on the specified query parameter.
Specify the required query parameter value for the variable, system:- Core. To view the events related to APIs and other assets such as packages, communities, and so on.
- UMC. To view the events related to user activities such as user creation, user login, and so on.
- Core. To view the events related to APIs and other assets such as packages, communities, and so on.
DELETE /events
Deletes the list of events based on the specified query parameter.
Sample cURL Command
curl --location --request GET 'developer_portal_rest_base/events' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic basic_auth'
Viewing Developer Portal health
OverviewList of resourcesSample cURL CommandOverview
This REST API is used to view the Developer Portal health, build, and metrics.
List of resources
- GET /info Retrieves the Developer Portal build details.
- GET /metrics Retrieves the Developer Portal application metrics.
- GET /health Retrieves the Developer Portal health details.
- GET /health/liveliness Retrieves the Developer Portal health liveliness status.
- GET /health/readiness Retrieves the Developer Portal health readiness status.
- GET /env Retrieves the Developer Portal environment details.
Sample cURL Command
curl --location --request GET 'developer_portal_rest_base/info' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic basic_auth'
Managing notifications
OverviewList of resourcesSample cURL CommandOverview
This REST API is used to view, update, and delete notification preferences of the current user.
List of resources
- GET /users/preferences Retrieves the notification settings of the currently signed in user.
- PUT /users/preferences Updates the notification settings of the current user with the given details.
- GET /notifications Retrieves the paginated notifications for the currently signed in user.
- PUT /notifications Updates the status of notifications as Read or Unread.
- DELETE /notifications Deletes the notification settings of the currently signed in user.
- GET /notifications/_count Retrieves the number of unread notifications for the current user.
Sample cURL Command
curl --location --request GET 'developer_portal_rest_base/notifications/' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic basic_auth'
Getting OAuth token
OverviewList of resourcesSample cURL CommandOverview
This REST API is used to request access token and to receive authorization code for invoking APIs.
List of resources
- POST /oauth/tokens Requests token for the specified application using client credential grant.
- GET /oauth/callback Acts as the callback URL for receiving authorization code.
Sample cURL Command
curl --location --request POST 'developer_portal_rest_base/oauth/tokens' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic basic_auth' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"name": "cc grant token",
"scope": "Read",
"applicationId": "application_id"
Managing packages
OverviewList of resourcesSample cURL CommandOverview
This REST API is used to manage packages. You can view, add, edit, and delete packages. You can also add, update, and delete the APIs and Plans associated with packages.
List of resources
- GET /packages Retrieves the list of packages in Developer Portal.
- POST /packages Create a package with the given details.
- GET /packages/{id} Retrieves the details of the specified package.
- PUT /packages/{id} Updates the specified package with the given details.
- DELETE /packages/{id} Deletes the specified package.
- GET /packages/{id}/plans Retrieves the list of plans for the specified package.
- PUT /packages/{id}/plans Updates the plans of the specified package with the given details.
- DELETE /packages/{id}/plans Deletes the given plans from the specified package.
- GET /packages/{id}/apis Retrieves the list of APIs in the specified package.
- PUT /packages/{id}/apis Updates the APIs of the specified package with the given details.
- DELETE /packages/{id}/apis Deletes the given APIs from the specified package.
- GET /packages/{id}/communities Retrieves the list of communities in the specified package.
- GET /packages/{id}/topics Retrieves the list of topics in the specified package.
- GET /packages/{id}/rate Retrieves the rating details of the specified package.
- PUT /packages/{id}/rate Updates the rating details the specified package with the given details.
- GET /packages/{id}/followers Retrieves the list of followers of the specified package.
- PUT /packages/{id}/followers Updates the list of followers in the specified package with the given details.
- GET /packages/{id}/followers/_count Retrieves the number of followers for the specified package.
Sample cURL Command
curl --location --request GET 'developer_portal_rest_base/packages' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic basic_auth'
Managing plans
OverviewList of resourcesSample cURL CommandOverview
This REST API is used to manage plans. You can view, add, update, and delete the required plans.
List of resources
- GET /plans Retrieves the list of plans in Developer Portal.
- POST /plans Creates a plan with the given details.
- GET /plans/{id} Retrieves the details of the specified plan.
- PUT /plans/{id} Updates the specified plan with the given details.
- DELETE /plans/{id} Deletes the specified plan.
Sample cURL Command
curl --location --request GET 'developer_portal_rest_base/plans' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic basic_auth'
Managing providers
OverviewList of resourcesSample cURL CommandOverview
This REST API is used to manage providers. You can view, add, update, and delete providers. You can also view, update and delete the APIs and packages associated with providers.
List of resources
- GET /providers Retrieves the list of providers in Developer Portal.
- POST /providers Creates or publishes a provider with the given details.
- GET /providers/{id} Retrieves the details of the specified provider.
- PUT /providers/{id} Updates the specified provider with the given details.
- DELETE /providers/{id} Deletes the specified provider.
- GET /providers/{id}/apis Retrieves the list of APIs associated with the specified provider.
- PUT /providers/{id}/apis Updates the specified APIs with the given details.
- DELETE /providers/{id}/apis Deletes the specified APIs.
- GET /providers/{id}/packages Retrieves the list of packages associated with the specified provider.
- PUT /providers/{id}/packages Updates the specified packages with the given details.
- DELETE /providers/{id}/packages Deletes the specified packages.
Sample cURL Command
curl --location --request GET 'developer_portal_rest_base/providers' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic basic_auth'
Performing search
OverviewList of resourcesSample cURL CommandOverview
This REST API is used to search for an asset.
List of resources
- GET /search Searches for the APIs and packages that include the provided keyword.
- POST /search/basic Searches based on the given search criteria.
- GET /search/advanced Searches for assets with provided keyword. Advanced search provides a metric which captures the number of assets matching given criteria in each asset type and also provides a detailed result on specific asset identified by
Sample cURL Command
curl --location --request
GET 'developer_portal_rest_base/search?q=search_keyword' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic basic_auth'
Managing teams
OverviewList of resourcesSample cURL CommandOverview
This REST API is used to manage teams. You can view, add, update, and delete the required teams. You can also view, update, and delete the users associated with the team.
List of resources
- GET /teams Retrieves the list of teams in Developer Portal.
- POST /teams Creates a team with the given details.
- GET /teams/{id} Retrieves the details of the specified team.
- PUT /teams/{id} Updates the specified team with the given details.
- DELETE /teams/{id} Deletes the specified team.
- GET /teams/{id}/users Retrieves the list of users associated with the specified team.
- PUT /teams/{id}/users Updates the specified users associated with the specified team.
- DELETE /teams/{id}/users Updates the specified users associated with the specified team.
- GET /teams/{id}/applications Retrieves the list of applications associated with the specified team.
Sample cURL Command
curl --location --request GET 'developer_portal_rest_base/teams' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic basic_auth'
Managing topics
OverviewList of resourcesSample cURL CommandOverview
This REST API is used to manage topics. You can add topics for required APIs and packages. You can also upvote, downvote, flag, or bookmark a topic.
List of resources
- POST /apis/{id}/topics Creates a topic for the given API.
- POST /packages/{id}/topics Creates a topic for the given package.
- GET /topics/{id} Retrieves the details of the given topic.
- PUT /topics/{id} Updates the specified topic with the given details.
- DELETE /topics/{id} Deletes the specified topic.
- PUT /topics/{id}/upvote Upvotes the specified topic.
- PUT /topics/{id}/downvote Downvotes the specified topic.
- PUT /topics/{id}/flag Adds or removes flag from the specified topic.
- PUT /topics/{id}/pin Adds or removes pin from the specified topic.
- PUT /topics/{id}/bookmarks Adds or removes bookmark from the specified topic.
- GET /topics/{id}/upvote/_count Retrieves the number of upvotes for the specified topic.
- GET /topics/{id}/downvote/_count Retrieves the number of downvotes for the specified topic.
- GET /topics/{id}/flag/_count Retrieves the number of flags for the specified topic.
- GET /topics/{id}/_count Retrieves the number of upvotes, downvotes, and flags for the specified topic.
- GET /collaboration/flags Retrieves the number of topics and comments that are flagged.
- GET /collaboration/flagged Retrieves the number of topics and comments that are flagged by administrators.
Sample cURL Command
curl --location --request
GET 'developer_portal_rest_base/topics/59d97968-7b25-4964-a0b7-d783ba910db2' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic basic_auth' \
--data-raw ''
Managing application and subscription requests
OverviewList of resourcesSample cURL CommandOverview
This REST API is used to manage application and subscription requests. You can view and retry application and subscription requests.
List of resources
- GET /requests Retrieves the list of requests that belong to the specified type.
- POST /requests Creates an application or subscription request with given details.
- GET /requests/pending Retrieves the list of pending requests that belong to the specified type.
- GET /requests/{id} Retrieves the specified request.
- DELETE /requests/{id} Deletes the specified request.
- PUT /requests/{id}/retry Retries the pending request for approval.
- GET /requests/{id}/trace Retrieves the log trace of the specified request.
Sample cURL Command
curl --location --request GET 'developer_portal_rest_base/requests' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic basic_auth'
Managing users
OverviewList of resourcesSample cURL CommandOverview
This REST API is used to manage users and user groups. You can view, add, update, and delete users and their details.
List of resources
- POST /login Signs in to Developer Portal with the provided credentials. This API supports the Native or LDAP users login only.
- POST /forgotpassword Allows to recover a forgotten password via the registered email.
- POST /resetpassword Allows to reset your password via the registered email.
- GET /passwordpolicy Retrieves the details configured password policy.
- POST /signup Allows to sign up to Developer Portal.
- PUT/users/updatepassword Updates the password with the provided value.
- PUT /users/updateemail Updates the email with the provided value.
- PUT /users/updatepicture Updates the profile picture with the provided image.
- GET /users Retrieves the list of users.
- POST /users Creates a new user with the given details.
- GET /users/self Retrieves the details of the currently signed in user.
- GET /users/self/privileges Retrieves the privileges of the currently signed in user.
- GET /users/{id} Retrieves the details of specified user.
- PUT /users/{id} Updates the user name such as the first name, last name, email of specific user.
- DELETE /users/{id} Deletes the specified user.
- POST /users/delete Deletes the account of current user.
- GET /groups/{id}/users Retrieves the users of the specified group.
- PUT /groups/{id}/users Updates the users of the specified group with the given details.
- DELETE /groups/{id}/users Deletes the given users of the specified group.
- GET /groups Retrieves the list of groups.
- POST /groups Creates a group with the given details.
- GET /groups/{id} Retrieves the details of the specified group.
- POST /groups/{id} Updates the specified group with the given details.
- DELETE /groups/{id} Deletes the specific group.
Sample cURL Command
curl --location --request GET 'developer_portal_rest_base/users/' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic basic_auth'
Managing webhooks
OverviewList of resourcesSample cURL CommandOverview
This REST API is used to manage webhooks. You can view, add, update, and delete webhooks.
List of resources
- GET /hooks Retrieves the list of webhooks.
- POST /hooks Creates a webhook with the given details.
- GET /hooks/{id} Retrieves the details of the specified webhook.
- POST /hooks/{id} Updates the specified webhook with the given details.
- DELETE /hooks/{id} Deletes the specific webhook.
- GET /hooks/events Retrieve the list of events to which a webhook can be created.
Sample cURL Command
curl --location --request GET 'developer_portal_rest_base/hooks/' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic basic_auth'