
Manage Microservices

In comparison to a monolithic architecture, where all processes are tightly coupled and run as a single service, a microservices architecture structures an application as a collection of services that are loosely coupled and independently deployable. The microservices architecture enables the rapid, frequent, and reliable delivery of large, complex applications. Each component service in a microservices architecture can be developed, deployed, operated, and scaled without affecting the functioning of other services.

The adoption of the microservices architecture pattern drives the need for lightweight gateways or microgateways. webMethods Microgateway gives control over a microservice landscape by enforcing policies that perform authentication, traffic monitoring, and traffic management. The lightweight nature of a Microgateway allows a flexible deployment to avoid gaps or bottlenecks in policy enforcement.

Businesses are adopting microservices for agility and scalability. In managing the complexity of distributed microservices environments, the microservices architecture might run into operational challenges, such as service discovery, connectivity, security, and fault tolerance. This is where a service mesh helps in providing critical capabilities that provide a solution to the operational challenges you face. webMethods AppMesh is just such a solution that allows you to apply an application context to service mesh or microservice deployments.

The following sections describe how API Gateway facilitates management of deployed Microgateways and configuration of the AppMesh infratructure to manage microservices.


API Gateway enables you to monitor the Microgateways that are connected to it. You can view the active APIs and detailed analytics for each Microgateway that is connected to the API Gateway.

The Microgateways management page displays all the Microgateway groups that are connected to the API Gateway. A Microgateway group enables you to group Microgateways that have some common element, such as domain (finance or human resources) or type of APIs (external-facing or internal use). For each Microgateway group, the Microgateways management page displays the following information:

You can perform the following operation on this page:

For information about installing, configuring, and using Microgateways, see the webMethods Microgateway User’s Guide.

Microgateway Groups

A Microgateway group is a collection of Microgateway instances that are grouped based on a common domain or API type. The Microgateway groups page displays the available groups and the Microgateways that are included in a particular group. The page displays the following information for each Microgateway group:

Basic information section includes

Microgateways section includes the following details of each Microgateway instance in the group: * Host name

To add a Microgateway to the group, you need to add the following information to the custom-settings.yml file:

microgatewayPoolName: *poolNameHere*
microgatewayPoolDescription: *poolDescriptionHere*

Where poolNameHere is the name of the group and poolDescriptionHere is an optional description of the group. If a poolNameHere is not provided, the Microgateway is added to the Default group.

For more information about custom-settings.yml, see the webMethods Microgateway User’s Guide.

You can perform the following operations on this page:

Microgateway Group Analytics

The Microgateway Group Analytics tab displays detailed analytics based on the data cumulatively received from the Microgateways in a group. This tab displays the following information:

You can perform the following operations on this page:

Microgateway Details

The Microgateway details page provides information about a particular Microgateway.

The Microgateway Info tab includes two sub-tabs:

All the Service Registries to which a Microgateway is publishing an API must be configured in API Gateway.

You can perform the following operations on this page:

Deleting Microgateway Instances

When you stop a Microgateway instance, the instance will be deleted from API Gateway automatically. But, if an Microgateway stops abruptly, the corresponding instance remains stale in API Gateway. You can remove such stale instances by deleting them.

When deleting Microgateways, ensure that they are not in Running status. Deleting an instance will remove it completely from API Gateway. For information on checking the status of a Microgateway, see Creating API Gateway Asset Archives using the Command Line section in the Microgateway User’s Guide.

You can delete one Microgateway or multiple instances from a Microgateway group at the same time.

Deleting a Microgateway

To delete a Microgateway:

  1. Click Microgateways in the title navigation bar.

  2. Click the required Microgateway group.
    The Microgateway group details appears.

  3. From the Microgateways section, click icon next to the required Microgateway.
    A warning message appears.

  4. Click Yes to delete.
    The Microgateway Analytics tab displays detailed analytics based on the data received from the Microgateway. This tab displays the following information:

Deleting Multiple Microgateways

To delete multiple Microgateways:

  1. Click Microgateways in the title navigation bar.

  2. Click the required Microgateway group.
    The Microgateway group details appears.

  3. From the Microgateways section, select the Microgateways that you want to delete by selecting the check boxes next to the required host names.

  4. Click icon and select Delete from the drop-down list. A warning message appears.

  5. Click Yes to delete the selected Microgateways. The selected Microgateways are deleted and the Delete Microgateways report appears.

  6. Click Download the delete report here to download the report. The report displays the following details of the deleted Microgateways.

    • Host name
    • HTTP or HTTPS port name
    • Status