Release 11.0.0

Explore the release highlights, usage notes, and known issues for API Control Plane 11.0.0

What's New



Issue ID Description
WCO-5732 Dashboard displays incorrect transaction count.

Dashboard displays twice the actual transaction count.

This issue is resolved.
WCO-5662 The dashboard displays incorrect data when the Time Range filter is refreshed frequently.

In the Dashboard, when you refresh the Time Range filter frequently, the data across the dashboard appears inaccurately.

This issue is resolved.
WCO-4753 Individual data plane monitoring and detail view screens display incorrect error rate.

In individual data plane monitoring screen, the maximum and minimum value of error rate is displayed incorrectly. In detail view screen, the error rate graph is displayed incorrectly.

These issues are resolved.
WCO-4756 Enhancements made to the Runtime Management endpoints.

A new version(v2) of the runtime management endpoints are created:
  • POST/api/assetcatalog/v1/runtimes
  • GET/api/assetcatalog/v1/runtimes
  • PUT/api/assetcatalog/v1/runtimes/
The earlier version (v1) corresponding to the above mentioned endpoints is deprecated.
WCO-4763 Data plane monitoring screens display incorrect data in the Availability widget.

The Availability widget on the overall and individual data plane monitoring screens display incorrect data, with availability percentages exceeding 100%. However, the availability percentage must not exceed 100%.

This issue is resolved.
WCO-5475 Removed irrelevant filters and added relevant filters in the Overall Data Plane Monitoring and Detail View screens.

Irrelevant filters such as Deployment type, Region, and Runtime name fields were present in the Overall Data Plane Monitoring and Detail View screens. Now we have removed those filters and added the relevant filters such as Name, Runtimes and Status to the Overall Data Plane Monitoring and Detail View screens.

This issue is resolved.
WCO-5510 The Dashboard displays the availability graph incorrectly for an API platform provider.

When an API platform provider views the dashboard, the availability graph is displayed incorrectly. Instead of displaying the availability percentage for data planes and runtimes, the graph displays the heartbeat count.

This issue is resolved.


Individual API monitoring

Individual API monitoring enables you to monitor and analyse the key performance indicators (KPIs) of a particular API. This monitoring capability helps you to get more information about the performance of the APIs to identify the total requests, number of transactions, top performing, and underperforming APIs, which helps you to make informed business decisions. Read More

Amazon API Gateway integration for API Control Plane is supported through the AWS agent implementation

An agent implementation utilizing the API Control Plane Agent SDK is developed for the Amazon API Gateway integration and is available at Using this implementation project, Amazon API Gateway can now integrate with API Control Plane as a runtime.

The agent implementer can utilize this repository in the following ways:

Azure API Management Service integration for API Control Plane is supported through the Azure agent implementation

An agent implementation utilizing the API Control Plane Agent SDK is developed for the Azure API Management Service integration and is available at Using this implementation project, Azure API Management Service can now integrate with API Control Plane as a runtime.

The agent developer can utilize this repository in the following ways:

Custom Domain Support

A custom domain is a unique name that identifies your website. There are scenarios where you do not want to expose the default domain provided by API Control Plane. In such cases, you can customize the default tenant URL or domain and access the tenant using your own domain. Read More


Issue ID Description
WCO-4302 Secret token gets displayed in main.js file.

The secret token, which is supposed to be hidden, gets displayed in the main.js file.

This issue is resolved.
WCO-4542 Alignment issues in Manage APIs and Manage Runtimes page.

Attempting to modify the row height using the settings icon in the Manage APIs and Manage Runtimes page results in incorrect rendering of the row height.

This issue is resolved.
WCO-4563 Following issues are encountered in the detail view of individual data plane monitoring page:

  • The split by runtimes functionality for monitoring the runtimes associated with the data plane was unavailable.
  • The time filter did not render data accurately.
  • The incorrect icons were displayed for runtimes in the association listing table.
  • The maximum and minimum statistics were inaccurate.
  • The highlight icon failed to highlight the runtime in the graph.

  • These issues are resolved.
    WCO-4754 Time range filter is not working properly.

    When you apply Time range filter in the Individual Data Plane - Detail view page, API Control Plane displays graph with inappropriate data.

    This issue is resolved.
    WCO-5392 Selected filters remain same even when you navigate to other page.

    When you click the Detail view in any of the Monitoring page and if you select any filters, the selected filter does not get cleared even when you navigate to other metric’s Detail view. The filter is not applied or cleared but remains selected in the filter component.

    This issue is resolved.
    WCO-5503 The Deployment type drop down in the Edit Runtime page does not display the Public cloud option.

    When an AWS Gateway is registered with API Control Plane with a set of configurations such as Deployment type as Public cloud and if you try to edit that runtime(AWS Gateway) in the Manage runtimes page, the Deployment type drop down does not display the Public cloud option.

    This issue is resolved.
    WCO-4605 Improvements to password reset e-mail.

    The e-mail you receive when you attempt to change the password using the Forgot password link is improved. The alignment issues are fixed, and the e-mail template is enhanced.
    WCO-4524 The Runtime Type drop down in the Add Data plane and Edit Data plane page fails to display newly created runtime types and the Runtimes tab within the Data plane details page incorrectly displays deleted runtime types when modified using a REST API.

    When you create a new runtime type using the REST API for a third-party runtime and attempt to create a data plane with the criteria set to Runtime Type, the value dropdown does not populate the new runtime type. This issue exists in the Edit Data Plane page too.

    In addition, when you delete an existing runtime type of a runtime using the REST API and attempt to view the summary of a data plane in the Manage data planes page by clicking the Data plane > runtimes tab > criteria, it lists the deleted runtime type.

    This issue is resolved. The new runtime types created using the REST API now appear in the API Control Plane UI and the deleted runtime types are displayed as <unknown-type> in the Data plane > runtimes tab > criteria page.


    Agent SDK

    The Agent acts as the intermediary component responsible for retrieving information from a runtime within your API management landscape and sending it to API Control Plane. The developer must utilize the Agent SDK (Software Development Kit) to develop an Agent for each runtime in your API management environment. The Agent SDK includes various pre-built tools, libraries, JAVA documentation, and APIs written in JAVA to assist developers in creating an Agent. It enables developers to focus on implementing the core functionalities of the Agent interface while abstracting away the complexities of periodic schedules, secure communication, data retrieval, parsing, and sending to API Control Plane. Developers can leverage the SDK resources to build the core functionalities of the Agent interface without getting burdened by low-level implementation details. Read More


    Issue ID Description
    WCO-4560 The Performance and Problematic runtimes by widgets are displaying incorrect details.

    When you create a data plane with newly created runtimes, the Performance widget does not render properly and the Problematic runtimes by widget displays incorrect details in the individual data plane monitoring pages.

    This issue is resolved.
    WCO-4573 Incorrect error mesage displays while opening the runtime from API Control Plane UI.

    If the runtimes are registered with API Control Plane without the host name and you try to open the runtime using Open in gateway button from the Manage APIs page, an incorrect error message appears.

    This issue is resolved by showing an appropriate error message if a runtime is registered without a host name.
    WCO-4292 Displays incorrect breadcrumbs in the individual runtime and dataplane detail view pages.

    When you click the Detail view in the Problematic APIs by, No. of transactions, Error rate, Availability, Response time, or Latency widgets of the individual runtime or dataplane monitor pages, the breadcrumbs are displayed incorrectly.

    This issue is resolved by displaying the breadcrumbs in these Monitor runtimes > Runtimename > Runtimename: widgetname detail view and Monitor dataplanes > Dataplanename > Dataplanename: widgetname detail view formats.
    WCO-4372 The trend percentage arrow color and it’s direction is displayed inconsistently across the API Control Plane application.

    This issue is resolved.
    WCO-4337 The individual runtime activities tab displays scrambled text.

    The text are not displayed properly in the individual runtime Detail view - Activities tab.

    This issue is resolved.
    WCO-4525 Unable to re-register the runtime with different name.

    When you try to update the runtime name with the existing ID, returns status code as 201 instead of 200.

    This issue is resolved.
    WCO-4354 The search functionality in the Location not assigned widget displays incorrect search results.

    In the Dashboard, when you search an asset in the Location not assigned widget incorrect search results appear.

    This issue is resolved.



    Issue ID Description
    WCO-4120 The activities tab on an individual runtime monitoring page fails to display the activities performed in the runtime.

    When a runtime transitions from inactive to active status, the runtime activities tab on the individual runtime monitoring page does not load the information regarding the activities, timestamp, and activity owner.

    This issue is resolved.
    WCO-4121 The line chart for all the widgets on the overall and individual runtime monitoring page displays incorrect results.

    When the overall and individual runtime monitoring page loads with Top runtimes N selected by default, the line chart displays information for All runtimes instead of Top runtimes N.

    This issue is resolved.
    WCO-4138 Average latency in the performance widget displays incorrect value on an individual runtime monitoring page.

    The performance widget on an individual runtime monitoring page incorrectly shows the average latency as -1ms when there are no transactions during the selected time range.

    This issue is resolved by showing N/A when no data is available.
    WCO-4297 Issues with rendering the runtime split on the overall runtime monitoring page.

    In the overall runtime monitoring page, when there are more than 5 runtimes and if you choose to view the latency and response time for all runtimes greater than seven days, the runtime split graph extends beyond the frame boundaries.

    This issue is resolved.
    WCO-3743 The Upward trending and Downward trending tab shows incorrect values.

    In the API and runtime monitoring page, when a few runtimes have trend percentages above or below the customized threshold, the Upward trend and Downward trend tabs for Error rate, Response time, and Latency display 0 incorrectly instead of showing the total number of runtimes with the respective trend percentage.

    This issue is resolved.
    WCO-4300 The error rate displayed on the monitoring pages shows incorrect results.

    The error rate is computed incorrectly and displayed on the monitoring pages.

    This issue is resolved.



    Issue ID Description
    WCO-3709 Unable to display the capacity progress bar.

    When you click the data plane icon on the dashboard and if it’s runtime capacity value exceeds four digit, the capacity progress bar is not displayed on the data plane side panel view.

    This issue is resolved.
    WCO-2545 Average response time and average latency was calculated incorrectly.

    Average response time and average latency was calculated incorrectly for API metrics.

    This issue is resolved.
    WCO-3710 API counts were not aligned properly.

    This issue is resolved.
    WCO-3736 When a user initiates the password reset process through the “forgot password” link, the email sent to their registered email features a default sender address instead of the control-plane admin.

    This issue is resolved.
    WCO-3768 Expanding the filter dropdown on the API listing page covers the search bar, and the User Profile, Help, and Cloud App Switcher dropdown menus overlap when expanded. Additionally, the Settings option in the table toolbar does not dismiss when clicked outside.

    This issue is resolved.
    WCO-3769 Displays generic error message.

    When you select inappropriate date time, API Control Plane displays generic error message.
    This issue is resolved by displaying detailed error message.
    WCO-3811 The search field in the Geographic Visualization widget does not work properly.

    The search field in the Geographic Visualization widget of the Dashboard is case sensitive.

    This issue is resolved by making the search field to be case insensitive.
    WCO-3780 Issue with displaying filters on the Manage APIs page.

    When no APIs are available in the runtimes associated with API Control Plane, the filters on the ‘Manage APIs’ page do not render properly.

    This issue is resolved.
    WCO-3735 Runtime Monitor page displays incorrect details.

    In Runtime Monitor page, When there are no runtimes, API Control Plane displays empty graphs.

    This issue is resolved. Instead of empty graphs asset unavailability message gets displayed.
    WCO-3771 The Threshold settings page under User Preferences > Threshold > API: Upward Trending/Improving, which is designed to exclusively accept numerical values, also accommodates alphabetical characters.

    This issue is resolved.
    WCO-3772 Status, performance & used capacity widget lists the data planes in an incorrect order.

    In the ‘Monitor all data planes’ page, the data plane names are listed in a random order in the Status, performance & used capacity widget.

    This issue is resolved. The list of data planes in the Status, performance & used capacity widget is now organized alphabetically.


    API monitoring

    API monitoring enables you to monitor and analyse the key performance indicators (KPIs) of APIs. You can monitor the API metrics to keep track of the API health, liveness, performance, and latency for the selected time range. You can also monitor individual APIs to get more information about the performance of the APIs to identify the total requests, number of transactions, top performing, and underperforming APIs, which helps you to make informed business decisions.

    Read More

    Dashboard enhancement

    Geographical distribution view in the dashboard is enhanced to handle high number of data planes and runtimes. The accuracy of geographical mapping for the data planes and runtimes is enhanced to ensure that the correct city or location is displayed.

    Read More

    Runtime monitoring

    Runtime monitoring enables you to analyze the performance and operation of the runtimes. You can monitor all the runtimes in the landscape by keeping track of how the runtimes are performing, trend analysis, and transaction patterns for the selected time range. You can also monitor individual runtimes to get more information about the runtime’s performance in terms of availability and other metrics.

    Read More

    Data plane monitoring

    Data plane monitoring enables you to monitor and analyze the key performance indicators (KPIs) of data planes. You can monitor the business metrics of all data planes by keeping track of how the dataplanes are performing, trend analysis, and transaction patterns for the selected time range. You can also monitor individual dataplane to get more information about the performance of the runtimes associated to identify the top performing and under performing APIs, which helps you to make informed business decisions.

    Read More

    Licensing support

    Licensing support enables you to validate the API Control Plane license. When no valid license is present in API Control Plane, creating, editing, and deleting data planes and runtimes is disabled both in the UI and through REST APIs. User-related functionalities, including adding, editing, and deleting users, as well as modifying user groups, are disabled both in the UI and through REST APIs. Additionally, user preference changes are disabled.

    You can upload new license, view all the existing licenses, and delete the existing license.

    APIs listing

    APIs listing page is enhanced to improve the visibility and organization of API versions in the UI.

    Read More

    User management

    The option to delete a user is removed from the User Management UI. Only the Cloud-Tenant-Administrators can delete users in Software AG Cloud.

    Read More

    Usage Notes

    This section provides additional information that you require to work with API Control Plane.

    Known Issues

    This section lists the issues for this release that were known when this release readme was published.


    When the API Control Plane administrator re-assigns the user group for the onboarded Software AG Cloud users and if the Software AG Cloud user logs out and log on to API Control Plane, the Software AG Cloud user is assigned with the default user group instead of the re-assigned user group.