
Dashboard at a Glance

The dashboard serves the purpose of monitoring and tracking various key performance indicators (KPIs) and business metrics, including:

The widgets in the dashboard are rendered based on these KPIs. The dashboard retrieves and presents comprehensive analytics for the selected period. It renders differently depending on the user group, which includes:

The following table displays the default view of the two user groups:

API Platform Provider API Product Manager

The following figure displays the various sections and corresponding widgets that appear on the dashboard for each user group.

In addition to these sections, the dashboard displays the world map and count sections at the top of the dashboard.

The entire dashboard’s content is determined by the chosen time frame. You have the option to select from a set of predefined time ranges using the drop-down menu located at the top-right corner of the dashboard. Additionally, you can tailor the time range to your specific needs. By default, Last 1 Hour time range is selected.

Widgets in detail

The widgets in the Dashboard page are explained in detail as follows:

Geographic visualization

This widget showcases a world map with distinct color pins that visually represents the data planes and runtimes within the landscape. The location of a runtime refers to a city or region for which the latitude and longitude coordinates can be determined by the pin on the map. If the runtimes associated with a data plane are situated in different regions, the data plane is marked at the midpoint of those runtimes on the map. You can utilize the Search text area to look up a specific data plane and runtime by name.

Upon hovering over the data planes and runtimes pins, the information displayed is determined by the selected parameter from the View Settings drop-down menu. By default, status and capacity details are shown.

The capacity details do not appear when you hover over the webMethods Developer Portal runtime pins.
In cases where multiple assets are situated in the same region or city, they are clustered as a single group, and the map displays the number of assets within that cluster. Hovering over the cluster reveals the count of data planes and runtimes associated with it. To view detailed information, double-click on the individual pins or clusters.

The Location not assigned widget displays


This widget displays total number of data planes, runtimes, and APIs within the landscape.

The following table displays the default view of the two user groups:

API Platform Provider API Product Manager

Overall view

This widget displays the consolidated transaction count, average response time, average latency, and error rate count of all the data planes and runtimes within the landscape. It also displays the activity that are performed in the landscape.

Click the total transaction count, the Total transactions pop-up window displays the absolute transactions performed by each of the data plane, runtime, or API. Click the respective toggle button to view its absolute transaction value.

To view the absolute average response rate of the data plane, runtime, or API, click the average response time, the Total average response time pop-up window appears. Click the respective tab to view its absolute response rate.

To view the absolute average latency rate of the data plane, runtime, or API, click the average latency, the Total average latency pop-up window appears. Click the respective tab to view its absolute latency rate.

If there is no adequate data to compute the trend of a runtime, API, or data plane, then the Trend is not applicable message appears. For example, if you register a runtime an hour ago and you try to view the dashboard by applying the Last 24 hours filter, the Trend is not applicable message appears as there is no metrics collected for the previous 24 hours.

To view the absolute error rate of the data plane, runtime, or API, click the overall error rate, the Error rate pop-up window appears. Click the respective tab to view its absolute error rate.

Status, performance & used capacity

This widget displays the following:

Status displays the current and previous health status of the runtime or data plane. It is determined based on the availability of the runtime. Click the respective toggle button to view the status details. Click the View all to view status of all the runtime or data plane in the landscape.

Performance displays the performance of the runtime and data plane. The performance is determined by latency and error rate. The threshold for the latency and error rate is set based on the user preference. For details about how to set the performance threshold, see Change threshold settings. Click the respective toggle button to view the performance details. Click View all to view details of all the runtime or data plane in the landscape.

Capacity displays the capacity rate of the runtime and data plane. Capacity is the number of transactions that a runtime can handle. Click the respective toggle button to view the respective capacity rates. Click the View all to view capacity rate of all the runtime or data plane in the landscape.

This widget appears to API platform provider user group only.

This widget provides insights into the performance trends of runtimes and APIs, whether they are on an upward or downward trajectory. This trend analysis enables you to compare current and past key performance indicators (KPIs) such as transactions, error rates, response times, and latency, based on the chosen filter criteria. This helps in identifying changes and making well-informed business decisions, as well as predicting future performance. This widget highlights the runtimes or APIs based on the actual Trend% value and the trend thresholds that are defined in the user preference.

The following table displays how this widget appears for the two user groups:

API Platform Provider API Product Manager

The Upward trending / improving by widgets comprise of the following tabs, each displaying the defined upward trending threshold on the right side:

Similarly, the Downward trending / deteriorating by widgets comprise of the following tabs, each displaying the defined downward trending threshold on the right side:


As an example, assume that the upward trending threshold and downward trending threshold are both set to 10% for all parameters in the User preferences > Threshold page. In the case of upward trending, the set trend threshold is interpreted as a +ve 10% for transactions, while it is -ve 10% for error rate, response time, and latency. The following scenarios apply in the Upward trending / improving by widgets:

In the case of downward trending, the set trend threshold is interpreted as a -ve 10% for transactions and +ve 10% for error rate, response time, and latency. The following scenarios apply in the downward trending widget:

API activity

This widget displays the most used and least used APIs in the landscape. Here, as an API product manager you can analyse the APIs that are least used and make informed business decisions to increase consumption of the APIs.

This widget appears only for API product manager user group.

Top APIs, runtimes, and data planes

This widget displays the top trending items based on your user group. For API product manager user group, it displays the top trending transactions at API level. For API platform provider user group, it displays the top trending transactions at API, runtime, and data plane levels.

Here, you can analyse the most problematic and performing APIs. Based on the analysis, you can derive new business strategies.

API Platform Provider API Product Manager

You can customize the number of top APIs, runtimes, and data planes to display using Row settings under User preferences. For more details, see Customizing Row settings.