Custom Domain

A custom domain is a unique name that identifies your website. There are scenarios where you do not want to expose the default domain provided by API Gateway. In such cases, you can customize the default tenant URL or domain and access the tenant using your own domain.

Use custom domains if you want to make your application accessible on your own domain. Custom domains direct requests to your own URL.

How to configure Custom Domains?

You can request for a custom domain name for your tenant. For example, if your company domain is, you can have the domain name as Contact Software AG Global Support for details on how to enable and configure the custom domain capability.

Steps to configure custom domains:

  1. Determine the number of domains to be configured for your account and the list of custom domains.
    The domain names are owned by you.

  2. Decide the SSL certificate required, which depends on whether you want to protect a single domain, multiple subdomains of a domain, or multiple domain names.

  3. Share the number of domains to be configured for your account and the list of custom domains with Software AG.

  4. Obtain the SSL certificates from a Certificate Authority (CA) and determine the number and type of domains you want to be protected by the certificates.

  5. Send the SSL certificates and Certificate Key to Software AG in base64 format to configure the certificates on the custom domain load balancer.

  6. Software AG sends you the CNAME in return.
    Using the CNAME, configure your DNS to point to the custom domain load balancer.

  7. After the configuration is completed, start using the custom domain to access API Gateway.

Checks for existing assets after configuring custom domains

Allowed IP Addresses

Overview API Gateway connects with most third-party services easily and instantly. However, in some cases, you may have to connect to your servers from specific IP addresses, and access resources that lie behind a protective firewall. This can be achieved in API Gateway. SoftwareAG provides a set of static IP addresses that you have to to allow in your firewall. This allows API Gateway to make connections to your servers and run the required services successfully.

Software AG Cloud products are available in several geographical regions, operated by different infrastructure providers. Go to the Software AG Cloud Regions website for information on the available products and also the underlying infrastructure provider in each region.

Currently, API Gateway is available on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure. Based on the vendor and the associated region selected by you at the time of creating your tenant, you need to allow relevant IPs to establish the connectivity. Once you add the allowed IP addresses available on the Software AG Cloud Regions page, you should be able to connect to your resources from API Gateway services. If not, contact Software AG Global Support with the required details.

Tenant URL and Software AG Cloud Region

The following table helps you to identify the cloud region based on a your tenant URL. Once you identify your cloud region, go to the Software AG Cloud Regions page for information on the allowed IP addresses.

Sample Tenant URL Software AG Cloud Region US1 Oregon AWS EU2 Frankfurt AWS AU2 Australia AWS AU1 Australia East Azure US2 East Azure EU3 West Azure