
Explore the fixes for Developer Portal 10.12.

Release 10.12 Fix 4

This section provides information about Developer Portal 10.12 Fix 4 released in September 2022.

Issue ID Description
DPO-1363 Irrelevant information on the Account settings page.

Additional attributes that are irrelevant to users appear on the Account settings page for Software AG Cloud users.

This issue is resolved.
DPO-1346 When you edit a community, the packages associated with the community are getting removed and added to the public community. Hence, any user could view the private packages.

This issue is resolved.

Release 10.12 Fix 3

This section provides information about Developer Portal 10.12 Fix 3 released in August 2022.

Issue ID Description
DPO-800 Text with dark background colors is not readable.

If you apply a dark background color to the left navigation pane, then the text and labels displayed in the pane are not readable.

This issue is resolved.
DPO-819 Unable to view icons due to page alignment issues.

When you customize a theme, some icons in the Add Layout/Component section are hidden behind an overlapping top navigation banner.

This issue is resolved.
DPO-885 Developer Portal does not use the LDAPS certificate uploaded under the Truststore tab of LDAP configuration.

This issue is resolved.
DPO-888 Authentication issue when modifying and saving webhooks.

As an administrator, when you edit the details of a webhook and save the changes, then the encrypted password is encrypted again. This leads to an authentication issue.

This issue is resolved.
DPO-890 Disabling of hostname verification for SSL certificates.

When the HTTPS endpoints of API Gateway are invoked with self-signed certificate, then Developer Portal displays the SSL exception message.

This issue is resolved.The hostname verification is disabled by default using the new setting disable-host-name-verifier added to the application-dev.yml file. The default value of this setting is true.
DPO-916 Blank error message in the Manage users page.

When the number of users exceeds 10000 and records are displayed in multiple pages, and if you navigate from page 101 to the next page, then a blank error message appears.

This issue is resolved.
DPO-955 Show owned applications only toggle button does not work as expected.

When you enable the Show owned applications only toggle button from the Application analytics page, the analytics of owned applications do not appear.

This issue is resolved.
DPO-961 Provider and Webhook pages are not displayed properly when you publish portal destination configuration from API Gateway.

If the API Gateway administrator password contains a : (colon) and if you configure a Developer Portal destination, then the destination publish fails in API Gateway. When this occurs, the Provider and Webhook pages in Developer Portal are not displayed properly.

This issue is resolved.
DPO-988 Scope information missing in application details page.

If more than one scope is configured for an API in API gateway, then only one scope appears in the application details page of Developer Portal.

This issue is resolved.
DPO-1005 When a user, who is part of a community is deleted, and if you update the details of the community, then the update transaction fails.

This issue is resolved.