
Explore the fixes for Developer Portal 10.11.

Release 10.11 Fix 14

This section provides information about Developer Portal 10.11 Fix 14 released in September 2022.

Issue ID Description
DPO-1329 Users with the API consumer role could view the details of other consumer users.

This issue is resolved. Only minimal information is displayed.
DPO-1328 Complete list of communities does not appear.

If there are more than fifteen communities in Developer Portal, then only the first twelve communities appear in the Publish or Republish screen of API Gateway.

This issue is resolved.
DPO-1296 Anonymous users could access file attachments available under the API documentation section on the API details page.

This issue is resolved.
DPO-1291 Stage name does not appear in the API tile.

When you add stage name to API tiles from the Customization section, then the text undefined appears in the API tiles instead of the actual stage name.

This issue is resolved.
DPO-1264 APIs list does not refresh when you change stage.

When you navigate to the Create application page from the API details page, and modify the value in the Stage field, then the APIs field does not refresh.

This issue is resolved.